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Accordions Around the World in New York, NY - USA

Bryant Park
Mario Tacca, Board of Director for the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) was one of the many featured artists performing in heart of New York City as part of the annual Accordions Around the World celebration.

Performing in the shadows of the New York City skyscrapers, the July 12th celebration included artists on Concertina, Bandoneon, Accordion, and Harmonium performing a variety of styles from Cajun, Tex Mex, Folk and Jazz, to Indian Chant, French Musette and more.

Pictured in the collage above are a sampling of the many artists including Rachelle Garniez, Dick LaVine (Concertina), Vitor Goncalves, Laura Vilche (Bandoneon), Eddie Van Tuba, John Sherman, Kenny Margolis, Albert Behar, Melissa Elledge, Mindra Sahadeo, Smörgåsbandet, Gregory Grene and Sadys Rodrigo Espitia.

'Accordions Around the World’, a four-week series of free music involving over 100 accordionists and players of free reed instruments, representing different musical genres culminates on Friday July 21st from 5.00 - 10.00 PM with an ‘Accordion Festival’ hosted by New York-based accordionist Rachelle Garniez, and featuring the Bil Afrah Project, Zlatni Balkan Zvuk, Osnelda (Brazil), Gregorio Uribe (Colombia), and more!

The series opened when producer Ariana Hellerman, a New York arts consultant hosted "The Great Accordion Rendezvous, a "Make Music New York Mass Appeal and Celebration of the NYC Accordion Community" on June 21st.

Picture below: Internationally acclaimed vocalist Mary Mancini and husband accordionist Mario Tacca are pictured with event coordinator Ariana Hellerman.
Mary Mancini, Ariana Hellerman and Mario Tacca
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