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Accordion/Violin Duo Evening Concerts, Krakow – Poland

Jascha Lieberman TrioThroughout the month of August, 8pm each evening, the Jascha Lieberman Trio are performing at the High Synagogue, Krakow, Poland.

The Jascha Lieberman Trio are Jascha Lieberman (violin and viola), Konrad Ligas (accordion), and Józef Michalik (double bass).

The Jascha Lieberman Trio members have each performed in various groups playing traditional Jewish music, classical music, and jazz. Not only did the musicians perform on television, radio and in concerts in most countries in Europe and North America but they also recorded several CDs.

Jascha Lieberman Trio’s repertoire incorporates elements of the traditional music of Ashkenazy Jews, music of the Balkans, and the compositions based on the style of Jewish folk music. The original compositions of the group’s leader Jascha Lieberman are also included. The musicians look for inspiration in elements of classical music, jazz, and contemporary music.

The Jascha Lieberman Trio has played in concerts for Roman Polanski, Shlomo Mintz, Ronald Lauder, and the London Philharmonic Orchestra. The Trio took part in prestigious European music festivals along with such famous artists as Zubin Mehta, Martha Argerich, Mischa Maisky and Nigel Kennedy.
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