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Kyiv Classic Accordion Duo Concert, Staffordshire – UK

Kyiv Classic Accordion Duo, Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy KolomoietsExcerpts from a report written by North Staffs Accordion Club member Mike Richards:

Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoiets, the Kyiv Classic Accordion Duo, were on a three week tour of the UK (16 gigs) when they performed at our club on Tuesday July 21st. Both musicians are from Ukraine and Igor’s home town, Chernihiv, is about 50 miles from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster area.

The legacy of this nuclear disaster lives on, so there are many children in Ukraine with very serious health problems. These children don’t get much help from the state, so Igor and Oleksiy try to help by touring the UK to raise money for Felsted Aid for Deprived Children (a registered charity formed in 2003 to help child victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster).

As always, our North Staffs Accordion Club members were very generous and, after we’d paid the Kyiv Duo’s charity fee and all the related club night expenses, we were still able to donate £300 to Felsted Aid for Deprived Children.

The Kyiv Duo gave us a real treat at our concert on the 21st and their mastery of their accordions was just amazing.

They were supported on the night by our very own North Staffs Accordion Band who were very enjoyable to listen to.

Igor and Oleksiy began their first set with Widor's ‘Toccata’ and they followed with some wonderful Bach and Vivaldi before treating us to a lovely selection from Tchaikovsky’s ‘Nutcracker Suite’, namely ‘March of the Toy Soldiers’, ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy’ and ‘Waltz of the Flowers’. To celebrate band member Greta’s birthday during the second set, they delighted us with ‘Happy Birthday to You’, performed in the style of various composers (Mozart, Bach etc). Finally, to end the evening they played a very stirring accordion classic, Monte’s ‘Czardas’.

Although language was a challenge, Igor, as he did two years ago, made good contact with the audience and took every effort to announce and add comment with each piece.

The evening started at about 8pm and finished with an encore from the Kyiv Duo at about 10.40pm. A great night was had by all and during the interval we raffled twelve prizes - all donated by our very generous club members. The raffle raised £81 and the ‘bucket collection’ raised £86.82. Well done everyone!
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