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Black Country Accordion Club, Birmingham - UK

Oleksiy Kolomoiets and Igor SayenkoMonday July 27th was a night to remember at the Black Country Accordion Club as the guests were The Kyiv Duo, Oleksiy Kolomoiets and Igor Sayenko, from the Ukraine. The Kyiv Duo were also raising funds for the Hippokrat Society, which provides much help for the families of sick and disabled children who suffered after effects from the Cherobyl Nuclear disaster.

The club decided to raise some cash for the charity and had a collection and a stall of goodies for sale. Chairman Barry Smith held an auction, selling off some DVDs and a copy of ‘An A to Z of the Accordion Volume 4’, kindly donated by Rob Howard, and the sum of £187. 27p was raised. Oleksiy and Igor were very pleased to accept this sum on behalf of the Hippokrat Society.

Igor and Oleksiy gave a superb performance. In 2001, Igor and Oleksiy met as students at the National Music Academy of Ukraine and have performed together since then.

The evening began with a selection of tunes played by Tom Helm, a visitor from the Stratford Accordion Club, followed by Harry Evans, then Matt Murphy, from Lichfield, who set about playing a selection of Irish jigs and reels. The Kyiv Duo then set about demonstrating their skills to a very appreciative audience. Included in their selection of music were the ‘Nutcracker Suite’, ‘Flick Flak’, ‘Sabre Dance’, ‘Czardas’, and a selection from the opera ‘Carmen’. As a team they were fantastic, and the synchronization between them was perfection in itself.
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