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31st St. Petersburg International Accordion Festival - Russia

Oleg Sharov, Renzo Ruggieri, Alexander Dmitriev
Renzo RuggieriPicture above: Oleg Sharov, Renzo Ruggieri and Art director of the festival since inception, Alexander Dmitriev. Picture left Renzo Ruggieri.

November 1st to 4th, was the 31st International Festival of Music for Accordion in the White Hall of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and in chamber hall of the St. Petersburg State Conservatory.

1st November concert featured "Timbre Russian", a unique ensemble from Moscow, performing music on the accordions made by Russian master Nicolay Kosorukov. These instruments imitate the sound of the most popular classical wind instruments: tuba, french horn, clarinet, oboe and "Timbre Russian" performed an excellent program of different styles and genres.

2nd November concert, 1st half, featured the winner of many international competitions, Vladislav Pligovka of Belarus. His fascinating style of performing, superb technique, and good feeling of melody inspired the audience as the music of Scarlatti, Pachelbel, Rachmaninov filled the hall.

The second half of this concert featured an accordionist from “another musical planet”. Free, full of energy, was the excellent Italian jazz accordionist Renzo Ruggieri. As always, Renzo surprised the St Petersburg audience with his new program including his interpretation and improvisations on themes of classical Argentine tangos: works by Piazzolla, Villoldo and Rodriguez and of course, some of his own famous compositions, to excite the audience.

3rd November concert included performances by the best students of the St Petersburg colleges including laureates of the different 2015 competitions. All these young participants performed at a high level.

The finale, was the Gala Concert in White Hall on November 4th, where all the participants of 31st St. Petersburg International Accordion Festival performed. Among them was the multi laureate of 2015 international competitions Vladimir Stupnikov. This concert became a bright parade of talent and high professionalism, and a marvelous completion of the Festival!
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