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New CD and eTracks Album "Appliques" Released by Yuri Shishkin - Russia

Appliques header
Yuri Shishkin Album AppliquesThe new Yuri Shishkin CD and eTracks Album titled "Appliques" is available online, Catalog: yshishkin07

Appliques album contains 58:44 minutes of music and the insert says: "Appliques" is the rarest program I have ever performed. It is a classical musician's experiment. This experiments success is due to ......"

Track list is:
Polyphony Appliques (from Jazz History) by Oleg Gorchakov
1. Ragtime, Oleg Gorchakov 1:26
2. Fugue Blues, Oleg Gorchakov 2:31
3. Fugue Swing, Oleg Gorchakov 2:06
4. Prelude Be-bop, Oleg Gorchakov 1:20
5. Fugue Be-bop, Oleg Gorchakov 1:02
6. Ballade, Oleg Gorchakov 2:42
7. Fugue Jazz-rock, Oleg Gorchakov 2:11
8. Finale, Oleg Gorchakov 4:18
9. Valse-Caprice, Viatscheslav Semionov 5:12
Starotcherkassk's Suite by Galinka Gontarekno
10. Voiska Donskogo, Galinka Gontarekno 2:52
11. Conversation (Pereklichki), Galinka Gontarekno 1:27
12. Foxy Lady (Plutovka), Galinka Gontarekno 2:32
13. Suffering, Galinka Gontarekno 2:44
14. At Razin's Chains, Galinka Gontarekno 3:42
15. A Fair, Galinka Gontarekno 4:11
16 Hoe-Down Scene from the Ballet "Rodeo", Aaron Copland 3:12
17 Rhapsody in Blue, George Gerswhin 14:52

Appliques is the 7th album released by Yuri Shishkin. Other CD and eTracks albums are:
- Towards The Sun, Catalog: yshishkin01
- Images, Catalog: yshishkin02 CD sold out
- Favourites, Catalog: yshishkin03 CD sold out
- Shishkin Plays Semionov, Catalog: yshishkin04
- Pictures at an Exhibition, Catalog: yshishkin05 CD sold out
- Libretto, Catalog: yshishkin06
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