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Augustinas Rakauskas, Lithuanian Independence Celebration - USA

Augustinas Rakauskas, Greta Staponkute-Rakau, Neringa Radenaite
Rita Barnea, Augustinas RakauskasPicture above: Augustinas Rakauskas, Greta Staponkute-Rakau, Neringa Radenaite
Picture right: Rita Barnea & Augustinas Rakauskas

On Sunday, March 8, 2019 we attended a fascinating, informative, entertaining and excellent event sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter of the Lithuanian American Community, Inc.

We were attending the 30th Anniversary of Lithuanian Independence celebration with a concert by Tutto a Dio with Augustinas Rakauskas (accordion), Greta Staponkute-Rakau (viola) plus Neringa Radenaite (soprano), a fabulous, virtuosic performance by all three.

Additionally, there were choral and dance presentations by the Lithuanian community. All ages performed ranging from a children’s choir with the youngest being three years old, adult choir, and dance groups of all ages.

The Lithuanian Ambassador to the United Nations opened the program. An informative film highlighting the contributions of Lithuanians to all fields of life was shown. The people who attended were mostly from the local Lithuanian community and are very proud of their heritage.

Augustinas, speaking his native Lithuanian, introduced the selections in a friendly manner. The beginning of his program was very dramatic and impressive. The three musicians entered from the back of the hall, each one performing as they walked down the aisle to the front of the stage. Included in their program were native folk songs which the audience sang to. Even though we could not understand the words, the feelings expressed were very loving and emotional.

Augustinas and Greta share, “This year (officially on March 11) is the 30th Anniversary when Lithuania has regained its independence. Our goal for this 30th Anniversary of Lithuania is to make Thirty-Concert tour. This includes additional concerts in Switzerland and Lithuania too. One club had to cancel at the last moment so this is why you can see only 29 concerts on the list: 2020Anniversary.pdf
Augustinas Rakauskas, Greta Staponkute-Rakau, Neringa Radenaite
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