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Mika Väyrynen Adds Accordion Study Course, Tampere - Finland

University of Applied Sciences (TAMK).
Mika VäyrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen will launch a new course of study in Tampere, Finland.  This new course will compliment his current teaching activities at the famous Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. The new opportunity for study will be in Mika's hometown of Tampere, where he will being offering courses at the University of Applied Sciences (TAMK).
Students are invited to apply for the four year course which leads to the Accordion Teachers Certification (AMK). The application timeframe is March 15th to April 5th 2017. The course of study is not only directed towards those who wish to become accordion teachers, but also those who seek profound solo studies, as students will also take weekly lessons on accordion as well as participate in Chamber Music etc. You find information from their website http://www.tamk.fi/musiikki-paiva-muusikko
Tampere, an attractive and thriving city, is nestled between two lakes and located about 180 km north from Helsinki. It has a population of about 220,000 and boasts a very active cultural life including the renowned world class Tampere Philharmonia and a variety of concerts which are held on a weekly basis. For more information about Tampere in English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampere
Mika Väyrynen is one of the most prolific accordion performing and recording artists in the world today. With more than 20 CDs including solo, chamber and orchestral works to his credit, he started his performance career by giving his debut recital in 1985, when was just 17 years old. Since then, he has performed all over the world, including most of the European countries, all Nordic countries, Japan, Russia, USA and China. He has performed as soloist of practically every major Finnish Orchestra, as well as the Estonian State Philharmonic Orchestra, the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra and the Copenhagen Philharmonic. Conductors with whom he has performed are renowned Maestros including Okko Kamu, Sakari Oramo, John Storgårds, Ralf Gothoni, Juha Nikkola, Olari Elts, Vello Pähn, Atso Almila, Andres Mustonen, and many others.
Interested students are invited to contact the Director of Musical Education Mr. Timo Salo to seek further information and enquiries about study opportunities and the application process at e-mail: timo.salo@tamk.fi
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