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Scandalli Days Brazil will be a Musical Days! - Brazil

Scandalli Days flyer
Meetings for all people who love the accordion.

This month, Brazil gives welcome to "Scandalli Day Brazil", a big event where you'll know everything and much more about the accordion. Three regions from Brazil (Southeast, Northeast and South) were choosen to host the concerts and lectures that will be held by Scandalli's artists, and also the company's president, Mr. Mirco Patarini.

The public will know the principal issues as accordion’s history, production process, materials used, differences of each model etc. During the lecture, the public can interact and are welcome to ask questions. The goal is to inform those attending about the accordion.

Listed at each concert are the many superb performers.

In the city of Porto Alegre - RS, the event will be held in partnership with "Casa da Gaita Ponto", to promote the "Acordeon Solidário", a social project which will collect food to be donated to a charity.

São Paulo - SP:
Date: 17/08/16
14:00 to 16:00 - Lecture
20:00 - Concerts: Mirco Patarini, Oswaldinho do Acordeon and Bruno Moritz.
Address: Auditório OMB (Ordem dos Músicos do Brasil)
Av. Ipiranga, 318 - 6º andar, Centro - São Paulo - SP

João Pessoa - PB:
Date: 21/08/16
20:00 - Concerts: Mahatma Costa, Mirco Patarini, Oswaldinho do Acordeon, Luizinho Calixto , Helinho Medeiros
Address: Sala de concerto Maestro José Siqueira FUNESC
R$ 10 + 1kg of non-perishable food dontation for "Casa Menino Jesus de Praga"

Date: 22/08/16
10:00 - Lecture
Address: Auditório 1 - Mezanino 2 FUNESC
Rua Abdias gomes de almeida - tambauzinho - João Pessoa PB

Porto Alegre - RS:
Date: 24/08/16
10:00 - Lecture
Address: Casa da Gaita Ponto - Av. Ipiranga, 8856
20:00 - Concerts: Renato Borghetti, Mirco Patarini, Oswaldinho do Acordeon, Bruno Moritz. Albino Manique, Luciano Maia, Orlando Rocha
Address:: 35 CTG - Av. Ipiranga, 5.300

For further information: https://www.facebook.com/scandallibrasiloficial/
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