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China Daily Times: Grand Accordion Art Festival in Tacheng - China

China Daily Times (English edition) published:
Grand Accordion Art Festival to be Held in Tacheng

The first Xinjiang Tacheng Accordion Art Festival will be staged in Tacheng city from August 18 to 20, to further pass forward the distinctive accordion culture of Tacheng in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, and promote the cultural exchanges among the countries along the "Silk Road Economic Belt".

Picture above: Performers play accordions together in Tacheng prefecture,
Picture left: An accordion player practices at home.

According to its online press release, the art festival will hold professional competitions, masters' lectures, seminars, activities aimed at setting new Guinness World Record, accordion world champion concert among others.

A total of 1,500 participants will play accordion ensemble, in an effort to break the Guinness World Record of 1,361 people co-playing accordion together in Shenzhen of Guangdong in 2013.

Shan Xiaomei, chief of publicity department of Tacheng city, said that the accordion art festival this time is in a large scale with a high level, as the number of performers is likely to pass 1,600, gathering people from all walks of life from 17 ethnic groups.

Tacheng, located at the border of China and Kazakhstan, is a trans-cultural city, which has been greatly influenced by Russian culture. Dubbed as "city of accordion", Tacheng has a rich history and legacy of accordion. The accordion is akin to a symbol of the city, and out of every 10 people there will be two or three who can play the accordion.

Another article 30th May 2016 in the China Daily Times English Edition:
Accordion Museum Born of Man's Love for its Music
by By Bi Nan

For people living in Tacheng, singing and dancing to the music of the accordion is an indispensable part of life. The accordion is akin to a symbol of the city, and out of every 10 people there will be two or three who can play the accordion.

The Tacheng Accordion Museum, which opened in December, is the only accordion museum in Xinjiang and the only one of its kind in the country. So far, the collection includes 330 accordions from 10 countries, such as China, Russia, Germany, Italy and Ukraine, and the oldest is 103 years old.

The museum was set up by Dawran·Dosanhan with the support of local government. He started to set up the museum in 2014 after spending six years collecting accordions from around the world.

Pictures below: Different kinds of accordions are on display at the Tacheng Accordion Museum.
Tacheng Accordion Museum
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