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Natasha Enquist’s debut album ‘MNE’, Berlin - Germany

Natasha EnquistBerlin-based Canadian accordionist Miss Natasha Enquist's debut album, ‘MNE’, is the semi-autobiographical story of her journey of self-discovery told through the voice of a adventure-hungry Star Captain, who leaves her home planet to discover a new world, and the struggles she faces while there.

Weaving in lines of poetry from various German poets such as Ingeborg Bachmann, Karin Boye, and Rainer Maria Rilke, the narrative of the album touches on themes of kindred spirits, love, passion, loneliness and the resolution that comes from connecting to the indomitable spirit within.

Each song on ‘MNE’, which was recorded and produced by Kollo Agency, on MNE Records, in Berlin, Germany, and the sound of the album experiments with sound design of the accordion through sampling, distortion, and effects as well as noticeable melody lines.

Miss Natasha Enquist’s intention is to treat the accordion as a human-powered synthesizer, by utilizing the instrument in both traditional and innovative ways, resulting in a very textural, cinematic and atmospheric album.

‘MNE’ is available for direct download and other online sites.

For further information email: info@natashaenquist.com
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