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Musikmesse Frankfurt Interview Bugari Armando Director Roberto Ottavianelli - Germany

Musikmesse Frankfurt interview with Roberto Ottavianelli (picture left), Director of Bugari Armando.
See and hear Bugari Armando instruments at Hall 4.1 C47

Bugari Armando is a world-famous maker of accordions. Could you please tell us a bit about the history of the company?

Bugari Armando Company was founded in January 1961. My cousin Armando Bugari took over the company from his father using his name as new company’s name. He kept on serving U.S. customers but he was looking to new customers located in Europe. Bugari Armando produces the full range of piano and button accordions, standard bass as well as convertor. Our goal is to place our instruments in the top level in every segment of the market. Today we have customers all over the world. Our main markets are all of Europe, North and South America as well as Asia.

Castelfidardo is famous for its accordion makers. How does this influence your company today?

Castelfidardo is the world centre of quality accordion and producers. Together they have created MUSIC MARCHE, a consortium of accordion manufactures. The promotion activity in some cases is regulated by our consortium, for instance in the case of music shows in many countries we join the music event as partners. The main event is “Premio Città di Castelfidardo” which takes place in September of each year. During the show, people of all over the world come to our city to enjoy music. It is a great chance to measure the level of competition among producers of high class instruments.

The Accordion is an instrument that is often connected to folk music music, but in reality its applications are much broader, such as accordion players in (for example) jazz and pop music show. Can you please talk a bit about the possibilities the accordion offers as an instrument?

Change has been under way for many years. Today accordions are no longer “folk instruments”. Accordions are now used for jazz music, classic contemporary music, pop music as well as for typical national music (Celtic, Balkan, Russian, Brazilian, etc). Accordions are now integrated in musical ensembles with great results. These applications push producers to build different models to fit the type of music that is played.

Could you please tell us a bit about the strengths and assets of Bugari Armando?

Our main strength is the long tradition as a high class accordion producer. Our know-how and vision combined with our skilled masters allow us a continuous product research and development. In 2006 Bugari Armando has started a partnership with ZERO SETTE, another fine quality accordion producer, in order to share know-how and investments and strengthen our position among market leaders. Although both companies maintain separated production lines and are fully independent, the co-operation has resulted in a plan aimed to take advantage of synergies, enhance our production department, and revamp our marketing and sales network.

What are some of the current highlights of your catalogue?

We are preparing a completely new catalogue for September of this year. The target is to provide the customer with full information of our instruments including full technical details that usually do not appear on traditional catalogue. Our current catalogue contains some information though. We will also launch a new website in June 2013.

This year, the Musikmesse will feature a special stage, the Accordion Stage, to highlight the variety and creativity of accordion players. What do you think of this idea?

It is a good idea. Today the accordion is more and more used to play with other instruments. So, it is nice to listen to accordions as part of a larger band. The stage is an ideal place to show the full musical potential of the accordion.

How long has Bugari Armando been presenting its products at the Musikmesse?

First time we exhibited our accordions was in 1973 when it was the Frühjahrsmesse (Spring Fair) and music was a section of that fair.

What is the significance of Musikmesse for Bugari Armando?

Musikmesse represents the meeting point with customers from all over the world. Things have changed since 1973 and the market evolution involves new customers coming from new countries as Russia, China, Eastern European countries, Brazil, etc.

What will be the focus of your presentation at the Musikmesse?

We will introduce our new line of wooden finish accordion with standard bass as well as free basses. At the same time we offer to our customers the personalization of their own instrument with new painted color. There is no limit to their fantasy.

Mr. Ottavianelli, thank you for the interview

Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2013_Accordion_Live_Report - with impressions from the exhibition.
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