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‘14 Years Ago’: Coupe Mondiale all set for London in October 2001

2001 Coupe MondialeThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending September 14th 2001 included information about the impending CIA Coupe Mondiale, due to be held in London, UK, from October 24th to 28th. That autumn, all within a few weeks, there were four major accordion festivals in England: Bridlington and Pakefield, the Coupe Mondiale, and the London Accordion Festival – an unprecedented schedule unlikely to be repeated. This year’s Coupe Mondiale is set for Turku, Finland, October 6th to 11th.

World Accordion Championships in London – England
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

This year the Confederation Internationale des Accordeonistes (CIA) Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships will be held at the Cumberland Hotel in Central Harrow, London, hosted by the National Accordion Organization of the United Kingdom (NAO). All activities take place at either the Cumberland Hotel, or in Halls close by, including the magnificent Church Hall. This is the first time the event has been held in the UK since 1984 and this year’s Coupe Mondiale promises to be an exceptional event, not to be missed!

Young musicians worldwide will be given the opportunity to compete for the distinction of winning the world title in a variety of categories which has grown to include:
Coupe Mondiale, World Accordion Championships
Junior Coupe Mondiale, World Accordion Championships
Virtuoso Entertainment Music Competition
Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Music Competition
NAO/CIA Piano Accordion Competition
Chamber Music Competition (to be introduced in 2002)

To date (with more arriving each day), the competition has attracted a record number of entries as follows:
Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships: 21
Junior Coupe Mondiale, World Accordion Championships: 17
Virtuoso Entertainment Music Competition: 11
Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Music Competition: 8
Piano Accordion Division: 18

The event will also include a concert recital by Alexander Dmitriev, a final "Gala Concert & Prize Presentation" and the CIA Congress.
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