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Sharon Shannon CD/DVD ‘In Galway’ – Republic of Ireland

Sharon Shannon CD
Sharon ShannonIrish diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon’s latest CD/DVD release, ‘In Galway’, was recorded live at O’Connor Famous Pub in Salthill, Galway. She is joined on this recording by Dublin pianist and guitarist Alan Connor. The pair have a natural spark, and the show is full of joy and verve. The joint CD/DVD is available from Shannon’s website or via Amazon.

Tracks: The Bungee Jumpers, Coridinio, Rathlin Island, The Midnight Special/Windchime, Little Bird, Reel Beatrice, The Woodchoppers, Neckbelly/Gaffo’s Ball, Duo In G, Cavan Potholes, Backbird, James Brown’s March/Mouth of the Tobiqu, The Galway Girl/Music For A Found Harmonium, The Shining, Sandy River Bell.

Sharon Shannon has done much to promote the accordion in her home country. She is renowned for her collaborations, not just in Irish traditional music, but through other genres, such as Hip-Hop, Cajun, Country, Classical and even Rap.

She has recorded and toured with a who's who of the Irish and Global Music Industry, including Bono, Adam Clayton, Sinead O’Connor, Jackson Browne, Steve Earle, The RTE Concert Orchestra, The Chieftains, The Waterboys, Willie Nelson, Nigel Kennedy, Alison Krauss and Shane MacGowan - a list that demonstrates Sharon's versatility. She has entertained US Presidents Clinton and Obama and Irish Presidents Robinson and MacAleese.

She has worked with Hollywood film directors Jim Sheridan in a production of ‘The Playboy of the Western World’ and played a cameo role in Neil Jordan’s film ‘Ondine’ alongside Colin Farrell. She has had multi-platinum album sales and has had several number one albums, singles and DVDs in her home country. Her album ‘Galway Girl’ went 4 times platinum in Ireland with the title track winning her the Meteor award two years running for most downloaded song.

Currently touring the UK as well as working on a book on her life, Sharon is a passionate animal lover and does a lot of voluntary work and fundraising for various animal rescues and supports many other charities.

Sharon has recently become an ambassador for ‘Building Of Hope’, a charity that brings practical help, education support and care to young people in The Third World.
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