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Los Tigres del Norte Performs for Immigration Reform - USA

Los Tigres del Norte
Excerpts from an article by David Montgomery, Washington Post newspaper.

The rally for immigration reform became a singalong Tuesday afternoon for thousands on the otherwise shutdown Mall. Los Tigres del Norte — the biggest, most beloved band that many English-speaking Americans have never heard of — were onstage, and almost everyone in the audience seemed to know every word.

Which is basically the message of the Tigres song “The Cage of Gold” — a story of that bittersweet sense of accomplishment in a new land at the cost of losing connections in the old one.

Los Tigres del Norte — four brothers and a cousin — looked like businessmen in their dark suits at breakfast in a downtown hotel Tuesday. They maintain courtly, old-world manners.

They had played shows in three towns in Mexico on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, finishing between 3 and 5 each morning. Shows usually end that late in order to satisfy all fans’ requests for songs and photos. Los Tigres are scheduled to perform and be honored Wednesday at the Billboard Mexican Music Awards in Hollywood. Then they are off to perform in Bogota, Colombia’s capital.

The logistics are staggering. They have a Mexican set of equipment — for shows in that country and internationally — and an American set of equipment. The Mexican gear was pressed into service for Washington, because the American set was needed in Hollywood. Both sets include drums, accordions, electric bass, saxophone and three bajo quintos or bajo sextos, which are 10- and 12-string guitarlike instruments.

Usually the band members come in for breakfast after a show, then sleep until late afternoon. This time, they were due for a sound check on the Mall at 9 a.m.
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