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Igor Outkine Accompanies 1929 Silent Movie ‘Picadilly’, London – UK

Igor OutkineThe 1929 silent film ‘Picadilly’ will be screened on Sunday May 20th at the Hackney Attic, Hackney Picturehouse, 270 Mare Street, Hackney, London E8 1HE. The film will be accompanied by Russian accordionist Igor Outkine – a one-man LSO (London Silent Orchestra), performing an original self-composed score.

Described by Martin Scorsese as “one of the truly great films of the silent era”, the plot of ‘Piccadilly’ involves Valentine Wilmot discovering Shosho, a Chinese dishwasher, dancing on a table in the kitchen of his Soho nightclub. He puts her on the stage and she becomes a bigger star than less exotic dancers like Mabel. When Valentine visits Shosho’s apartment, they are followed by Mabel and the night ends with a murder. But who is the killer?

Like a Russian Rick Wakeman of the button accordion, Igor Outkine switches from a conventional instrument to a Midi accordion (a veritable Tardis of an instrument, much more than it appears), from which he coaxes everything from guitar tones and saxophone solos to a James Brown back-up band. He likes to call himself one-man LSO (London Silent Orchestra) and has a unique way of interpreting every nuance of the film, at times it almost feels like actual dialogue.

Dinner from select menu and daily specials board. Doors/Food 6.30-7.30pm. Film: 7.45pm. Costs: £9 , £8 Concs, £7 Members, £20 with dinner and wine, £19 concs with dinner and wine, £18 Members with dinner and wine.

For further information email:hackney.attic@picturehouses.co.uk
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