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Giorgio Dellarole, The Art of Accommodating - Italy

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La Saison culturelle proposed the concert "The Art of Accommodating" by the Extrarmonica ensemble. Extrharmonic Ensemble members are: Giorgio Dellarole (accordion), Alessandro Ciccolini (violin), Enrico Contini (cello), Francesco Baroni (harpsichord).

When we talk about baroque music we generally mean that composed between the early 1600s and the mid-1700s, when the production of brilliant and incredibly prolific composers created and developed musical forms languages.

Today any musician, of any level, has songs from this period in their repertoire, and the amount of publications on "how" this repertoire should be played is huge. Leaving aside the acrobatic performances of certain virtuosos who use Bach or Scarlatti to exhibit their acrobatic qualities, we see an extremely interesting research on the part of passionate and rigorous lovers, especially on the question of joints, embellishments, times.

The accordion, due to its formidable versatility, is gaining a very important position, especially thanks to some artists. Among these, the talent and competence of Giorgio Dellarole shines, who with commitment and passion is tracing an increasingly safe way towards a conscious execution of the Baroque repertoire with the accordion.

The Art of Accommodating refers to the practice, common in that period, of adapting and playing many pieces to instruments, or formations of instruments, different from those of origin. Using an instrument with a specific "temperament" (Vallotti, to be precise, even if a little modified), Giorgio Dellarole's accordion integrates beautifully with instruments that, however, were already "adults" in the Baroque period. Using an unequal temperament, listening to this Ensemble reserves pleasant surprises from a harmonic point of view, creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere.

The concert of the Extrharmonic Ensemble on 7 June 2021 at the Spendor in Aosta, for the Saison Culturelle, as well as a longed-for return to live music, constitutes a new milestone in the integration of the accordion into the repertoires of all times.

Giovanni Maria Bononcini (1642-16 78), Sonata a tre in Sol minore
Francesco Antonio Bonporti (1672-1749), Inventione IV in Sol minore Op.10
Alessandro Stradella (1639-16 82), Sonata in Re minore a violino, violoncello e basso
Henry Purcell (1659-1695), Ouverture e Chaconne dall’opera King Arthur
Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759), Trio Sonata in Sol maggiore Op.5 n.4 - HWV399
Giovanni Bononcini (1670-1747), Sonata I per violoncello e basso in La minore
Giovanni Battista Bassani (c.1650-17 16), Sonata a tre in Re maggiore
Giorgio Dellarole
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