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“Entre Mate y Acordeón" Program in Buenos Aires - Argentina

Video 1:

Video 2:
A new project was introduced in Argentina entitled "Entre Mate y Acordeón", which began during the Covid-19 pandemic and aims to encourage accordionists to continue playing during these difficult times.

Organiser, Gra Ciela is encouraging accordionists from all around the world to participate with any recordings they may have. That way, everyone can be motivated to learn about accordion musical styles and folk music from other places.

The program will be online on the third Wednesday of every month.

Video 1: Filming and photos: Sergio Tomás Soldá
Performers: Sergio Tomás Soldá (Muñequita) - Valentín Ávila y su Conjunto (Entre Amigos y Chamamé) - Miguel Schmit (Remembering Barrio Unión) - Gustavo Luna (La Cumparsita) - Angel Russo (Valzer di Mezzanotte) – Mario Torres (Message of Field and Heaven) - Javier Chirino and Roberto Borelli (A Waltz among Friends) - Gustavo Aguirre and Lito Soccimarro (Soy Cordobés) - Juan Baliani (author of Merry Christmas 2020) - Victor Bosco (Manojito de Claveles) - Osvaldo Villegas (Romance de Barrio) - Mario Oberti (Tea for two) - Gerardo Echaide (La Vie in Rose) - Marcelo Sorondo (Marcha Radetzky) -Carlos Polak (Polka Alemana) - Diego Oscar Mendez Galera (La Casita Pequeñita) - Beto Noya (Resistiré)

Video 2: Presenter: Sergio Tomás Soldá
Editing: Gra Ciela
Performers: Radka Dvorackova and Alberto Rama (Milonga de mis Amores), José Griffo (Garganta con Arena), María Elena and Hernán Pablo Maschi (La Cumparsita), Federico Aguirre (Al Bufón), Axel (Mi Cabo de Ciervo), Juan Baliani and Osvaldo Villegas (A mi Padre), Rubén Sanchez, Sofía y Martín (El Tirabuzón), Jorge París Aristu (Fugue), Felipe Arenas (Feira de mangaio), Jorge Ruibal (Bajo el Cielo de Paris), Gustavo Rovira (Mis Harapos) and Victor Bosco (Entre Mate y Accordion).
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