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Sir Jimmy Shand Centenary, Fife - UK

Jimmy ShandSir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000) was an accordionist of many accomplishments. He had a recording career that lasted from 1933 until the mid-1990s, helped design an accordion that became world famous – the Shand Morino, had a railway engine named after him, and became the first accordion player to be knighted.

The ‘Sir Jimmy Shand Tribute Day’, held annually at St Andrews Town Hall, was special as it marked 100 years since the birth of this outstanding musician. Throughout the afternoon, the 300-strong audience were able to follow Sir Jimmy's life on a screen showing photographs and videos of his career, and tributes were paid by some of the people who had known and worked with him.

A concert followed, featuring accordionists Jimmy Shand Junior (the event organiser), Ian Cruickshanks, David Cunningham, Jack Delaney, Jack Stalker, Bill Stewart, Colin Dewar, Alasdair MacLeod, Simon Howie, Robert Black, and Graeme Mitchell.

Three pieces of music were performed for the first time - the ‘Sir Jimmy Shand Centenary March’, a composition begun by Sir Jimmy and finished by Jimmy Jnr.; ‘Lady Anne Shand’, a Strathspey by Jimmy Jnr. named after his late mother, and ‘David Shand's 42nd Birthday March’, which Jimmy Jnr. wrote for his brother but never recorded. The concert finished with all players together on stage for a grand stramash.

The event raised around £3000 for charity, which was divided between CHAS and the Dalgairn Centre, Cupar.
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