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Nicholas Smith (1934-2015), Surrey – UK

Nicholas SmithAre You Being Served posterNicholas Smith, the actor who played the Grace Brothers department store manager Mr Cuthbert Rumbold in the popular BBC comedy ‘Are You Being Served?’, which aired from 1972 to 1985, has died aged 81.

The show regularly had audiences of 20 million viewers, and became popular in many countries, especially the USA. In an interview with American chat show host Ed Sutkowski, Nicholas Smith described that ‘Are You Being Served?’ got its chance only because of the chaos caused by the terrorist attacks at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

He said that the show had been recorded as a one-off for the BBC ‘Comedy Playhouse series’ but had not been shown because the BBC thought it "too trivial". But when the live Olympic feed had to be cancelled the BBC showed the episode, and "the public reaction was so enormous" the BBC commissioned a whole series, and the show went from success to success.

Also a musician Nicholas Smith played the accordion, organ and piano, wrote music, was a trained singer, and was featured playing the accordion and the piano in episodes of ‘Are You Being Served?’. He played the accordion mainly for recreation, and especially enjoyed playing Swiss, Tyrolean and Austrian folk dance music.
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