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Henry Doktorski Performs at German Heritage Festival, Pennsylvania – USA

Henry DoktorskiHenry Doktorski performed at the 14th Annual German Heritage Festival in Erie, Pennsylvania, during Labor Day weekend September 4th and 5th, his second consecutive year performing at this event.

He was the featured performer in the ‘Viennese Pavilion’ -decorated with a magnificent backdrop of the Habsburg Schönbrunn Palace, and his repertoire included the great European waltzes and polkas by Johann Strauss Jr. and Émile Waldteufel, among other composers.

Henry commented, "I really enjoyed performing in the relaxed atmosphere of the Viennese Pavilion. The audience members sat at café tables where they nibbled on German chocolate cake, sipped German coffees and beers and Rhine wines, and listened to some of the world's greatest waltzes and polkas: Strauss' ‘Blue Danube’, ‘Frühlingsstimmen’, ‘Emperor Waltz’, ‘Pizzicato Polka’, and Waldteufel's ‘Les Patineurs’ and ‘Dolores’ waltzes, to name a few.

The audience was attentive and appreciate and I especially enjoyed sitting at the tables and chatting with many music lovers during my breaks".

Festival Co-Chairman Raymond Luniewski wrote, "Once again, the Viennese Café area of the Erie German Heritage Festival featured Henry Doktorski on the accordion. We were so very pleased to have Mr. Doktorski with us once again and glad to see the large amount of people who came into the café and sat and enjoyed his waltzes, marches and more! And just for good measure a few Deiro pieces too! Henry's all around performance was outstanding as usual and numerous musicians also stopped throughout the weekend to admire his virtuosity and mastering of the accordion. We hope to keep him an integral part of the festival for years to come!"
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