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Joe Natoli Releases New CD ‘Waltz for Ron’, Ohio – USA

Joe Natoli and Ron Lankford
US accordionist Joe Natoli has released a new CD titled ‘Waltz for Ron’, which commemorates the late Ron Lankford and his contribution to the accordion world. Ron was renowned for his wonderful Roland customer service and love for the accordion, and Joe is seeking to assist the Lankford family with a donation of $20 plus $5 shipping/handling for the ‘Waltz For Ron’ CD.

Additionally, ‘Waltz for Ron’ is now available in solo, duet, or accordion orchestra format and can be purchased from JANPress Publications at http://janpress.freeservers.com. Both the solo and the accordion orchestra recordings are included on the CD in addition to the other selections of music performed.

Joe Natoli, composer/arranger/performer/publisher, was taught by prominent Ohio accordion teacher, the late Mickey Bisilia, and won the 1972 American Accordionists’ Association (AAA) US Virtuoso Accordion Championship, and was runner up in the CIA Coupe Mondiale later that same year.

Joe achieved his Bachelor and Master of Music degrees from the University of Toronto where he studied with renowned Canadian accordionist, Joseph Macerollo.

Joe also earned a Computer Science degree and an MBA degree. He works in the Information Technology (IT) industry, but music (especially accordion and composition) remain his lifelong passions.

In September 2008, Joe competed and won the first Roland Corporation US V-Accordion competition, then went to Rome, Italy, in November 2008 for the 2nd International V-Accordion competition where he and wife JoAnn became friends with Ron Lankford. Joe, who resides in Ohio, joined the Roland Corporation US team as a V-Accordion Product Specialist in 2009.

‘Waltz for Ron’ was recorded using the Roland FR7 and FR7X as well as the Roland digital VS880ex hard disk recorder and the Edirol R-OH9R pocket digital recorder.

For further information email: janpresspub@yahoo.com
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