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Frank Busso Jr. Performs With US Air Force Strolling Strings on Social Media

Frank BussoThe United States Air Force Strolling Strings, which includes accordionist Senior Master Sgt. Frank Busso, continues to connect with fans on social media. In these current and unprecedented times of social distancing, The United States Air Force Band has had to temporarily cancel its public performances.

However, the organization has found exciting and innovative ways to inspire and connect with audiences and strengthen its international presence through social media performances and outreach initiatives. Its Strolling Strings ensemble is no exception.

Already with 40,000 views across multiple social media channels, Jay Ungar’s “Ashokan Farewell” was recorded by each member of the Air Force Strings in their respective homes, and turned into a unique project for the performing group. This piece gained recognition as the title tune to Ken Burns’ 1990 PBS television miniseries, "The Civil War," and has become a staple of the Air Force Strings repertoire.

The Video Editor for this project was Master Sergeant Emily Wellington, and its Producer was Frank Busso Jnr.

Excerpts from the “Meet Our Players” online: "Frank Busso has been playing the accordion for over 35 years! His vast experience has been an incredible asset to the Air Force Strings since he joined the ensemble in 2005. Rising up through the ranks, he now oversees the group's personnel and scheduling matters, in addition to his performance responsibilities."

During his off-duty time, Busso is active as a board member for the American Accordionists' Association (AAA). He enjoys spending his down time with family, giving music lessons, and performing as a freelance musician.

The band performed last week at a Tribute to the American Spirit online event on July 4th. Details on poster below.
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