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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 10-Jul-2020
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第十二届国际全音阶手风琴比赛 – 斯洛文尼亚
以V.V. Andreev命名的第九届国际青年民间乐器演奏比赛在圣彼得堡举行 - 俄罗斯
Rik Cornelissen 即兴表演秀在阿纳姆举行 - 荷兰
Stas Venglevski 发行十二首热探戈作品 – 美国


小弗兰克·布索(Frank Busso Jr.)与美国空军弦乐团一起在社交媒体上进行表演
最新消息:Ennio Morricone 去世,享年91岁 - 意大利
视频:Grayson Masefield 和 Haein Yujeong Jeon 二人组表演 - 韩国
由于大众需求,世界咖啡馆三重奏线上音乐会时间延长 – 南非
Gary Daverne 发行的手风琴乐队新曲
虚拟比赛评选,第58届年度新英格兰音乐节 - 美国
已取消:AAA Carrozza 奖学金晚宴 - 美国
A World of Accordions Museum Independence Day Celebrations – USA
CNIMA 国际手风琴学校线上教学 - 法国
Graeme Mackay Performs Live Online – Scotland


Old Time in the Land of JamKazam
Dinner and Music with Accordionist Geoff Berner - Canada
Waldmann Brewery & Wurstery 现场音乐会 – 美国


AAA档案管理员Joan Grauman的文章已全部在 AAA 网站上列出 - 美国
New Historical Article by Gorka Hermosa in English and Spanish - Spain

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第十二届国际全音阶手风琴比赛 – 斯洛文尼亚

HVO poster
第十二届国际全音阶手风琴比赛(施泰尔类)世界锦标赛将于2021年5月13日至16日在斯洛文尼亚的 Terme Olimia 举行,由 HVO-Harmonica Verband Osterreichs(奥地利手风琴和口琴协会)组织举办。






以V.V. Andreev命名的第九届国际青年民间乐器演奏比赛在圣彼得堡举行 - 俄罗斯

V.V. Andreev俄罗斯圣彼得堡将于2020年10月27日至11月4日举办第九届以V.V. Andreev(图左)命名的国际青年民间乐器演奏比赛。

比赛旨在促进年轻音乐家的表演艺术的发展,进一步普及俄罗斯民间乐器,促进民间、古典和现代音乐的推广和新的民间乐器原创曲目的创建,并借此探寻有才华的和具有职业前途的表演者 ,同时会保留国内的传统音乐教育和音乐表演学校。



下图:Vladimir Andropov 指挥的 Ossipov Balalaika 乐团。 在过去的许多比赛中,该乐队都作为特别嘉宾参加了 Gala 音乐会。
Ossipov Balalaika Orchestra


Rik Cornelissen 即兴表演秀在阿纳姆举行 - 荷兰

ArtEZ poster
Rik Cornelissen手风琴家 Rik Cornelissen 先生将于2020年9月26日上午10点至下午3点在荷兰阿纳姆的ArtEZ音乐学院举办即兴表演秀,该节目会由 NOVAM(Nedloadse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica)组织。

Rik Cornelissen 是ArtEZ音乐学院爵士与流行音乐系的高级讲师,会定期举办即兴演奏和指导研讨会。 他的教学总是以听觉和感觉为出发点,而不是通过不停地记笔记。



Stas Venglevski 发行十二首热探戈作品 – 美国

StasTwelve Hot Tango CompositionsStas Venglevski 刚刚发布了:
目录 vstas063 “独奏手风琴探戈十二首”,您可以通过电子邮件获得这些作品的 pdf 格式文件:
01. Busy Fingers Tango
02. Elephants Tango
03. Meg Tanguera
04. Invite Tango
05. Tango for Two
06. Lonely Dancer
07. Tango Pasadena
08. Tango Mobile
09. Ecstasy Tango
10. One Tulip
11. Yellow Roses
12. Meg Tango.

登陆网站来在线查看每种探戈的音乐样本页面,点击目录 vstas063 查看

点击以下链接查看 Stas 的CD和mp3专辑及其他作品: Stas Venglevski



小弗兰克·布索(Frank Busso Jr.)与美国空军弦乐团一起在社交媒体上进行表演

Frank Busso美国空军弦乐团,包括手风琴家兼高级军士长 弗兰克·布索( Frank Busso )继续与社交媒体上与粉丝们互动。 在现如今这一史无前例的隔离时期,美国空军乐队不得不暂时取消其公开表演。

Jay Ungar的作品 “Ashokan Farewell” 已经在多个社交媒体平台收获了40,000次观看,这首曲子由空军弦乐组的每位成员在各自家中录制完成,并成为了该表演团队的一个独特项目。这首曲子作为肯伯恩斯(Ken Burns)1990年PBS电视迷你连续剧《内战》(the Civil War)的主题曲而获得了认可,并已成为空军弦乐曲中主要作品。

该项目的视频编辑是 Emily Wellington 中士,其制片人是 Frank Busso Jnr。

来自网上“与我们的演奏者见面”节选:“弗兰克·布索( Frank Busso )演奏手风琴已经35年多了!自从他于2005年加入合奏团以来,他的丰富经验一直是空军弦乐团不可思议的财富。除了履行职责外,他现在还负责监督该小组的人员和日程安排事务。”

在业余时间,Busso 还是美国手风琴家协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 的董事会成员之一。他喜欢与家人度过闲暇时光,上音乐课并当一名自由音乐家。



最新消息:Ennio Morricone 去世,享年91岁 - 意大利

Enrico MorriconeOscar奥斯卡奖得主恩尼奥·莫里科内(Ennio Morricone)(右图,其获得奥斯卡奖)于2020年7月6日在罗马的一家诊所不幸去世,享年91岁。


他最著名的一首使用了手风琴的曲子是他为 Wolmer Beltrami 编排的歌曲“La Fisarmonica”,该曲因 Gianni Morandi 的演奏而大获成功。请看上面的视频。


视频:Grayson Masefield 和 Haein Yujeong Jeon 二人组表演 - 韩国

“The Four Seasons”,第三乐章音乐视频,由安东尼奥·维瓦尔第(Antonio Vivaldi)谱写乐曲, Hawin Yujeong Jeon(韩国国立艺术大学教授)和 Grayson Masefield (新西兰奥克兰大学的老师)进行了二重奏表演。

以下为“The Four Seasons”第一和第二乐章的视频片段:



由于大众需求,世界咖啡馆三重奏线上音乐会时间延长 – 南非

World Café Trio posterThe World Café 三重奏于7月3日开始了为期三天的线上音乐会,活动于2020年7月6日结束。但是,由于大家的需求,包括手风琴家 Stanislav Angelov,Petrus de Beer(小提琴)和 Schalk Joubert( 低音吉他)在内的乐队演出将持续到7月8日。

“Vivaldi's 4 Seasons”音乐会是由南非斯泰伦博斯的 Drostdy Teater 的专业视频和声音摄制组预先录制的。


Gary Daverne 发行的手风琴乐队新曲

Gary DaverneGary Daverne 发布了两个新的手风琴乐团乐曲。

ED0091a - Bob the Bandsman March,手风琴合奏/管弦乐队分谱
ED0091b - Bob the Bandsman March,手手风琴合奏/管弦乐队全谱

ED0092a - Hokianga Hornpipe手风琴合奏/乐团分谱
ED0092b - Hokianga Hornpipe手风琴合奏/管弦乐队的全谱



虚拟比赛评选,第58届年度新英格兰音乐节 - 美国

NE logo美国手风琴新闻编辑 Rita Davidson Barnea 发表了以下文章:

I was very honored to be asked to judge accordion and piano categories by Sam and Peggy Falcetti, organizers of the 2020 58th Annual New England Music Festival. Originally, it was to take place in Massachusetts in April 2020. Because of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the competition was prevented from happening as a live event. The Accordion Teachers Association of Massachusetts (ATAM) had to work very quickly and diligently to overcome the difficulties of the pandemic by transforming their annual music competition into a new virtual format which. I feel, they accomplished with great success.

For the past 57 years, the annual New England Music Festival had been held during a weekend in April where over 600 students and their families gather to compete and showcase their musical abilities. With categories for accordion, drums, guitar, piano, voice, and violin players, there was a wide variety of musicians represented. Also, just last year, the ATAM added categories for adult musicians as well.

Unfortunately, the New England Music Festival, had to be postponed due to the pandemic. While the competition had originally been postponed to July, the members of the association made the difficult decision to convert the live competition to a virtual format. This decision did not come easily, but the ATAM found it to be the safest and most effective way to hold the competition during the uncertain times of Covid-19.

With this transition to a virtual competition, the students who had invested so much time and energy to prepare their competition pieces were still able to perform. The ATAM directed their efforts to finding a virtual format that would be efficient and simple, so that all of the original contestants would have the opportunity to remain in the competition. The students cooperated with their teachers and studios to record their performance and post a video for each of their categories onto YouTube. The judges were sent a scoresheet and video for each contestant and scored and critiqued each performance. Over 800 students participated, perhaps making it one of the largest music competitions in the USA.

Over the years, I have judged many piano and accordion competitions at all levels. This was my first experience as a virtual judge for a virtual contestant. At first, I was apprehensive. How can this possibly work? How can I judge them from my computer in my home? For the 800 plus contestants, it resulted in a unique and valuable experience.

I actually enjoyed the experience of online judging. Each category was sent to me in an email including organized links to each contestant’s competition video, their music, and a score sheet. I judged over 150 contestants in categories ranging from beginner to adult on both accordion and piano. I loved every minute of it!

Of course, the best way to judge and compete is live in person. But with the excellent organizational skills of Sam, Peggy, Michael Falcetti and Mike Silvia, the transition to online judging was painless! I might add that having the ability to hear the contestants more than once helped me to fairly determine a decision in cases where the contestants were very close in their performances.

Having grown up competing in accordion competitions at an early age through adulthood, makes me feel extremely responsible and also empathetic toward the competitors. I am happy that at least the students were able, after long months of preparation, to compete. All of them were well prepared, poised, and I could tell they tried to do their very best. So, in a sense, all are winners. They learned the importance of lessons, practice, discipline… all which transfers to building good character, confidence, and self esteem.

Online virtual judging may not be the best solution for more advanced competitions since the videos, depending on their quality, may not offer a true representation of dynamics and the contestants performance etc. Also, the ability to perform before an audience while under pressure, cannot be determined via a video. Nothing can really replace the excitement of a live competitive performance. I am hopeful that in the near future, we will go back to the traditional ways of musical competitions.

I would like to conclude by saying that the excellent organizational skills, hard work, dedication, and the enthusiasm of all involved, made the New England Music Festival and Competition a very worthwhile, successful and positive experience for all the judges and contestants.

A huge congratulations and thank you to Sam, Peggy, and Michael Falcetti and Mike Silvia for creating a very successful, educational, and enjoyable event!

Picture below: Rita Davidson Barnea
Rita Davidson Barnea


已取消:AAA Carrozza 奖学金晚宴 - 美国

CancelledCarozza dinner美国手风琴协会 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) 不得不遗憾地取消了本应于9月13日在纽约College Point著名的NA俱乐部Furlane举行的Carrozza奖学金晚宴。

主席多米尼克·卡尔西奇(Dominick Karcic)正在为2020年下半年或2021年的这一活动准备后续工作。



A World of Accordions Museum Independence Day Celebrations – USA

A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) in Superior, Wisconsin celebrated the annual 4th July Independence Day with an outdoor concert.

Independence Day is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States.

Performers Marian Syrjamaki-Kuchta, Anne Velasco, Helmi Harrington and Robin Floyd (and two dogs) entertained while seated six-feet apart and masked. The group played a variety of patriotic music.


CNIMA 国际手风琴学校线上教学 - 法国

视频:CNIMA 实习生 Menzo Gatte,2019年 Castelfidardo 冠军类别(15岁以下)的冠军获得者。

超值的在线课程将于本月和八月举行 - 现在可申请报名。 CNIMA 国际手风琴学校在过去两年中一直成功地提供着在线教学内容。

疫情导致的封锁进一步促使了这一趋势,迫使 CNIMA 的所有学生今年都参加了线上课程。

CNIMA 的创始人雅克·莫奈( Jacques Mornet )以其尖端的教学而闻名,并获得了104项国际大奖的第一名 - 世界纪录! Nathalie Boucheix ,Claude Thomain 和 Franck Angelis 也是手风琴界的著名人物。

即将到来的 CNIMA 在线课程面向所有年龄和各种音乐风格(古典,综合,小号,世界音乐等)的专业人士和业余爱好者。

Jacques MornetNathalie Boucheix 的手风琴技术

2020年7月20日至24日 - Alain Pennec 演奏凯尔特的音乐
2020年8月3日至7日 - Franck Angélis 演奏 Franck Angelis 的乐曲
2020年8月3日至7日 - Claude Thomain 演奏 Claude Thomain 的乐曲

另外,对于那些可以旅行的人,可以在法国中部法国奥弗涅的 CNIMA 上参加年度计划和讲习班。

有关更多详细信息,请致电 或发送电子邮件至:cnima@orange.fr


Graeme Mackay Performs Live Online – Scotland

Graeme McKay
Accordionist Graeme Mackay performed live from the Ceilidh Cabin in Scotland on July 5th at 3.30pm UK time.

This concert was one in a series which featured musicians from around the world.

For details email: graeme@mackaymusic.co.uk



Old Time in the Land of JamKazam

Jody KJody Kruskal (concertina - picture left) and Cindy Harris (autoharp) will perform a live online concert of mostly American old-time duets and songs on JamKazam youtube on July 13th.

Jamkazam uses technology so you can play live music in sync with others in different locations.

For concert details email: jody@kruskal.net


Dinner and Music with Accordionist Geoff Berner - Canada

Geoff BernerGeoff Berner will entertain diners at the Tractorgrease Cafe in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada on July 10th from 8pm. This will be his first live performance since lockdown and coincidentally is the same venue as his last performance back in March before lockdown.

Geoff will also play a half-hour set at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival online event on July 16th.

For details email: geoffberner@yahoo.ca


Waldmann Brewery & Wurstery 现场音乐会 – 美国

WaldmannDan Newton明尼苏达州圣保罗市的 Waldmann Brewery & Wurstery 将在整个七月举行定期的现场音乐娱乐表演。 Daddy Squeeze(Dan Newton - 右图)将于7月19日下午6点至7点半在 Waldmann Biergarten 上表演各种欧洲的古老音乐。


有关详细信息,请致电:651 222 1857



AAA档案管理员Joan Grauman的文章已全部在 AAA 网站上列出 - 美国

AAA header
Joan GraumanJoan Grauman 于2008年起正式成为 AAA 的档案管理员。从那时起,她就一直在撰写有关该协会历史及其成员的文章。

Joan的许多文章都在节日期刊上和“手风琴美国新闻( USA News )”的网站上发表过。 现在,所有这些文章都已列在了 AAA 网站的以下页面上:
AAA Archival Information

现在可以访问的带有红色标题的文章,其他文章将很快附上链接。 许多PDF文件也可以下载并打印出来。


全球的手风琴组织应考虑任命其档案管理员。 仔细的研究,采访,拍摄照片,视频和撰写文章:所有这些都是记录手风琴重要历史的非常重要的组成部分。


New Historical Article by Gorka Hermosa in English and Spanish - Spain

Gorka HermosaNew Article: Accordionist Gorka Hermosa (picture left) has written an article in Spanish language on one of the first accordionists on record and perhaps the oldest non European accordion player, José Gonsalvez. In 1836 (with his accordion) he made an expedition up the Indus River to reach Kabul (Afghanistan).

Read this most interesting historical article in English and Spanish at: José Gonsalvez


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