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Tom Alexander MBE (1934-2020), Glasgow – UK

Tom Alexander
Alexander BrotherslogoScottish accordionist Tom Alexander, (picture top) one half of the internationally famous Alexander Brothers, (picture above) died this week. He leaves behind his widow Betty and was pre-deceased by his son.

The Alexander Brothers – vocalist and pianist Jack (1935-2013) and accordionist Tom (1934-2020) - turned professional in 1958 after winning a talent competition, and went on to national and international fame through their many successful recordings, DVDs, tours, radio, and television appearances. In 1964 their best selling single ‘Nobody’s Child’, actually outsold the Beatles in Scotland, where the duo had become a household name. The brothers’ act did much to popularize the traditional songs and music of Scotland, and they were inspirational for many acts who followed them, most notably Foster & Allen. The Alexander Brothers were both awarded the MBE in 2005 for their contribution to the world of music.

After the brothers retired as a duo in 2012 Tom, an All Scotland Champion in the early 1950s, continued as a solo accordionist, recorded several excellent solo CDs, and was a popular guest in accordion clubs throughout Scotland and England. He was recognised by his peers as one of the finest and most admired accordionists of his era.

Tom Alexander passed away on January 8th in a care home in Glasgow after suffering with dementia for a few years. He was widely mourned in Scotland and beyond.
Christmas CD cover
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