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Emmanuel Gasser Wins 16 Trophies in Three Competitions - Canada, USA

Emmanuel-GasserEmmanuel Gasser with trophies15 year old Emmanuel Gasser returned home to St.Charles, Ontario, just recently after winning some 15 competitions during the last month.

Emmanuel competed and entertained in Kimberley BC at the International Old Time Accordion Championships, where he won 5 first prizes in the following categories: Intermediate, Junior, Light Classical I, Jazz and Junior Duets with Sonja Hungerford.

After this intensive competition week, he flew to Victoria BC to compete and entertain at the Victoria Accordion Festival where he won 1st prize in all four categories he entered: Category C (Classical) – 18 years old and younger, Category D (Open) – 18 years old and younger, Category E (Classical) – no age restriction and Category F (Open) – no age restriction.

Following that busy week, he proceeded to compete and perform at Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International - ATG in Chicago where he won seven times 1st prize in the following categories: ATG US Solo Junior Championship, ATG Original Solo, ATG Open Solo, ATG Ethnic/Folk Solo, ATG Polka Solo, ATG Jazz Solo, and The 2012 Frank Marocco Competition. He also performed concerts in Edmonton, Alberta, and Eureka, Illinois.

Emmanuel Gasser, in addition to playing, also composes music for the accordion music, and has to date written 36 pieces. He has also been taught to tune and repair accordions by the highly reputed accordion repairman and tuner, Leo Niemi of Sudbury, Canada.

Emmanuel Gasser says “In Music Festivals, the object is not to gain a prize, nor defeat fellow competitors, but to pace one another on the the road to excellence, but that does not mean that the winner should not be happy about his accomplishments and share his joy with others”.
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