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Brooklyn Accordion Club Zoom Online Meeting - USA

Accordion Mask
BAC logoYou are welcome to join the Brooklyn Accordion Club Quarantined Social and Q & A on Zoom this Sunday, April 12th, 2020 2:00-2:40 (EST).

Zoom is an online meeting app that you can download for free and as long as you have a device with camera/mic and internet, you can join the meeting from anywhere in the world!

Please email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com
with your questions about accordions in general, and other participants will try their best to provide you with an answer or suggestion during the Zoom meeting.

To participate in this event, please RSVP by sending an email to: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com

A Zoom meeting ID and password will be shared with you upon RSVP.

If you are an experienced accordionist, we appreciate your expertise for answering the questions during the meeting. If you are a virtuoso accordionist, and willing to share music via Zoom during the meeting, we greatly appreciate it.

This is a pilot program. You are all welcome to join. Stay Well.
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