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Gala Tribute to José Ferreiro Pai (1895-1967) and José Ferreiro Júnior (1915-1964), Algarve - Portugal

José Ferreiro Pai (1895-1967) and José Ferreiro Júnior (1915-1964)On November 3rd a Grand Gala Tribute concert to José Ferreiro (father) and José Ferreiro (son), two famous Portuguese accordionists and composers took place at the Teatro das Figuras, Horta das Figuras, Estrada Nacional.

José Ferreiro Senior is widely recognized as the first significant accordionist in Portugal and the composer of music identified with the Algarve region, such as ‘Alma Algarvia’, the anthem of corridinhos.

This show with 800 people in the theatre (a full house) was the conclusion of the second stage of the project ‘Terra de Acordeão’, and provided moments of great beauty and diversity.

Many Portuguese accordionists took part, and the performers included the ensemble ‘Folequestra’ (accordion: Ana Rita Correia, André Duarte, Andreia Cabrita, Catarina Coelho, Daniel Silva, Gonçalo Guerreiro, Hernani Cerqueira, Jessica Guerreiro, Jessica Silvestre, Melissa Simplicio; classical guitar – Pedro Cabanita; acoustic bass - Claudio Sousa); accordionists José Correia, Lucia Barracosa, Luis Gama, Fabio Guerreiro, Hélder Barracosa; João Guerreiro, João Frade; The Nelson Conceição Quartet (accordion - Nelson Conceição, violin - João Pedro Cunha, classical guitar - Claudio Sousa, and vocals - Filipa Sousa); ‘Acordealma’ (accordion: Silvino Campos, João Pereira, Sérgio Conceição; bass - Tó Correia, Portuguese guitar - Ricardo Martins), Ilda Maria; Daniel Rato.

A CD ‘Tribute to the Ferreiros’ was presented at this event, which featured many of the players involved in the Grand Gala, plus the participation of the great accordionists Manuel Matias, Eugenia Lima and Hermenegildo Guerreiro.

For those interested in purchasing this album, contact via email: ncbordeira@sapo.pt or mobile +351965581477.

The project ‘Terra de Acordeão’, which began in 2008 with the Big Homage to João Barra Bexiga, is sponsored by the Junta de Freguesia of St Barbara de Nexe in partnership with the Recreational Society of Bordeira, with the support of Faro Municipal Council, Regional Directorate of Culture, and Proder Algarve.

Its artistic coordinators are Hélder Barracosa, Hermenegildo Guerreiro and Nelson Conceição. In addition to large galas honoring the presence of some of the most respected accordionists, ‘Terra de Acordeão’ represents the various work of musicians and composers.

For further information email: ncbordeira@sapo.pt
Grand Gala Tribute concert
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