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‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Polka King’ Walter Ostanek awarded ‘Order of Canada’

Walter OstanekThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending May 12th 2000 included news of Slovenian-style polka accordionist and bandleader Walter Ostanek receiving the ‘Order of Canada’ for his long service as a professional musician. Born in Quebec in 1935, Walter Ostanek’s long list of accomplishments include 3 Grammy Awards, over 50 albums, his own TV shows (one of which ran for 14 consecutive years), and election to Canada’s ‘Walk of Fame’ and the Polka Halls of Fame in Cleveland and Chicago. He still performs locally to this day.

‘Order of Canada’ Award – Canada

Canada's ‘Polka King’ and accordionist Walter Ostanek (St. Catharines) was awarded the Order of Canada (Member) on Wednesday April 26th for over 45 years in the music business. Her Excellency, the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada, presided at the investiture ceremony in Ottawa. The Order of Canada recognizes people who have made a difference to their country.

Sixty five year old Walter has been inducted into two of North America's most renowned polka halls of fame, made numerous radio and television appearances and has won three Grammy Awards.
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