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Austrian Duo Das Kollektiv Inspires Public at Sata-Häme Soi Festival - Finland

Duo Das Kollektiv
"We never play a work as it is written, but always bring our own ideas and our soul to the music."

Das Kollektiv, which includes Juan Carlos Diaz on flute and Raphael Brunner on accordion, engage the audience with improvisation, world music, virtuosity, and the eddies of dazzling group play. After having won the international Coupe Mondiale competition in Munich last year, the Austrian duo was invited to perform at the famous Sata-Häme Soi Festival in Ikaalinen (Finland) where they were acclaimed by an enthusiastic audience during three performances.

Juan Carlos Díaz grew up in Colombia, Raphael Brunner in Austria. In 2014, the two musicians met while studying at the State Conservatory in Feldkirch and decided to merge their different musical backgrounds. After hundreds of trial lessons between lectures and instrumental lessons, they founded Das Kollektiv.

What started out of curiosity and the joy of playing has grown into a professional ensemble four years later. In their concerts, the Kollektiv oscillates between classical and folklore - always fine-tuning their own style and interpretations.

Their basic appreciation and fascination for the diverse cultures of this world make it easy for them to merge the different genres. When the Kollektiv makes music, music becomes a universal language.
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