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Lasse Pihlajamaa (1916-2007) 100th Honoured at Ikaalinen – Finland

Video 1:

Video 2:
Lasse PihlajamaaVideo 1: Original Nuoruusmuistoja by Lasse Pihlajamaa (1916 to 2007) who was a famous accordionist and composer who released over 20 albums and was very popular in his homeland of Finland.
Video 2: Encore by Mika Väyrynen performed at the 2015 Coupe Mondiale concert in Finland. Mika Väyrynen has made a beautiful fresh arrangement of this Finnish evergreen that the audience enjoyed very much.

This year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of distinguished Finnish accordionist, composer, arranger, and accordion designer Lasse Pihlajamaa, who was born in Jämijärvi, a few miles outside Ikaalinen.

In 2004, the first official function of the annual Sata-Häme Soi - Accordion Festival is a folk concert and gathering at Lasse Pihlajamaa's monument "In the Memory of my Mother". This was attended by Lasse Pihlajamaa with pictures and report at: http://www.accordions.com/finland/04_06_29_tue.htm

2004 Celebrity Interview with Lasse Pihlajamaa at: http://www.accordions.com/finland/04_interview.htm

Lasse Pihlajamaa, one of the long-term leading figures in the story of the accordion in Finland, taught at his own Accordion Institute in Helsinki from 1957 to 1972, and was a key figure in the development of teaching and playing methods. Due to his work, in 1977 the accordion began to be accepted in several major conservatories including the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. Pihlajamaa also did much to develop the accordion as an instrument, especially for children, and many talented children were able to choose the accordion as their own instrument.

Pihlajamaa is to be honored at this year’s accordion festival ‘Sata-Häme Soi’ Ikaalinen. The opening ceremony of the festival takes place at the Lasse Pihlajamaa monument in Jämijärvi, standing on the same place as Lasse's birth house stood once.

There are exhibitions and history about Lasse Pihlajamaa around Ikaalinen. On Friday July 8th there will be a large memorial concert where a number of important Finnish accordion players will participate. The concert will also be broadcast on Finnish TV.
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