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New Compositions: Three New Compositions by Douglas Ward - UK

Douglas WardCharnwood Publishing has released three new compositions by Douglas Ward.

DW933 Bootstrap Tango: Standard: Grade 5 Approximate playing time: 3 min 10 sec. Written in D minor in 4/4 time, after an introduction which includes a bar in 6/4 time, the first section proceeds as a normal tango, with a characteristic accompanying bass that sets and keeps its rhythmic flow. The treble is kept busy, with melody notes sustained over canonic harmony phrases underneath. The end of the first section then morphs into a more romantic section, in D Major, with its very hummable theme, and similar rhythmic basses. It then reverts to D minor, but with a different, second singing 16-bar theme before a repeat of the D Major section, and then (almost) the original theme in D minor, plus a little flourish at the end. It is ideally suited to Stradella bass instruments.

DW934 Precipice: Standard: Grade 8+, Written in the keys of G and E Major, with excursions into F# major and B minor, there are varying degrees of complexity within what looks at first to be a simple piece. Unlike much of today’s music, this piece presents the listener with several melodic motifs that can be remembered, and the player with musical and instrumental challenges that require both technique and interpretative skills. Time Signatures Used: 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/8, 8/4, and 14/8

DW935 Tributaries: Standard: Grade 6, Approximate playing time: 3 min 0 sec. Written in E minor in 4/4 time, the composition starts by commanding attention, and is followed by several rubato bars. This is followed by an eight-bar melody with basses that require left hand dexterity when moving from Em to Eb7. The second section has a fugue-like motif – the first four bars of which have a staccato directive, the second four bars are in a looser semi-legato form; the eight bars are then repeated one octave higher. An eight bar bellows-shake section follows, and this leads into a slightly faster 15-bar section before a recap to the original theme and melody leading to an accelerating finish.

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