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Report of Recitals by Sidorova, Glowacki and Purits and Future Performances - UK

Ksenija SidorovaVideo above: Bartosz Glowacki performs "The Destroyed Cathedral" composed by Vaclav Trojan, published Jan 10, 2016.

The summer season 2016 is demonstrating the level of accordion talent passing through the small department at the Royal Academy of Music in London, tutor Professor Owen Murray.

On Saturday June 25th, at an evening concert in London’s Wigmore Hall, Ksenija Sidorova (picture left), an immediate past post-graduate student, gave a fine performance to a near capacity and very appreciative audience. She was supported by Andreas Ottensamer (clarinet) and Jose Gallardo (piano) with a wonderful programme of solo and duo works. Ksenija began with two large solo works, Anatoly Kusyakov’s six-part suite ‘Autumnal Landscapes’, and continued with Alfred Schnittke’s ‘Revis Fairy Tales’, both beautifully played and enthusiastically received by the audience.

In the second half of the concert Ksenija presented together with Andreas Ottensamer and his clarinet an exquisite arrangement of Piazzolla’s ‘Histoire du Tango’ and Bela Bartok’s ‘Romanian Folk Dances’, and a charming new work, by Efrem Podgaits, called ‘Rendezvous with Haydn’. It has to be said with each of these works that both artists produced a focused and articulated sound from their instruments, which left their audience with a memorable musical experience. They finished their programme with two Piazzolla encores.

Earlier in June Bartosz Glowacki and Iosif Purits gave two splendid recitals at the RAM. Both recitals were part of their presentation for the degree of Master of Music (M.Mus), which they have received with distinction. Both recitals included the requirement of chamber works with other instrumental groupings.

Special mention should be made of Purit’s solo performance of ‘Sonata No 3’ by Zolotarev, a work in which he showed himself to be an artist of world class in his generation. Indeed, earlier in the month (June 6th) Purits had also given a shared recital with a full evening programme in the Wigmore Hall as a prize winner of the RAM Patron’s Award, a top prize.

Both Iosif Purits and Ksenija Sidorova can be heard again at the Cheltenham Festival in July: Ksenija on July 11th and Purits on July 16th.

Purits will also be a BBC Radio 3 ‘introducing’ artist at 5pm on July 16th. Bartosz Glowacki has also been an ‘open space’ artist at the Aldeburgh Festival, and will appear again in the BBC Promenade Concert with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra on August 20th.

The importance of these activities (and others) is the remarkable success that is now being achieved in the integration of the accordion into classical music concerts, with excellent prospects for the careers for young players and opportunities to hear them.
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