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Accordionist and Keyboardist Jon Hammond Busy Showtime - USA

Jon Hammond
Picture above: Jon Hammond Funk Group, Jon far right.
Video above: Jon Hammond Shedding With Myself on Excelsior Accordion.

Like my friend Dick Contino the great accordionist star once told me: "When I break out the accordion it's like saying hello to an old friend!" Here I'm playing blues with my accordion - I have electronics on this instrument, but what you hear here is the pure sound of the high quality steel reeds.

Jon Hammond is a highly accomplished keyboard musician and accordionist. He is very generous with sharing his talents. He said, "The dates that I do in hospitals and assisted living facilities are not open to the public - for those dates I just go in and play music for my people who can not go out and the only people who can bring cameras in there are family. So I tend not to publicize any of my work in that sector.

I did a tour earlier this year of senior centers in the ethnic areas of San Francisco that was strictly solo accordion. It was supported by the musicians union and we had a lot of fun."

His accordions CD's are available at: Jon Hammond

Jon will be featured at the NAMM night stage at the Sheraton Park Hotel on Thursday, 21st January 9:00 to 9:40 pm. It will be his 30th NAMM show! Location: NAMM Sheraton Acoustic Stage.

In 1981 Jon formed BackBeat Productions. Assisted by Lori Friedman, the innovative TV show "The Jon Hammond Show" became a Manhattan Cable TV favorite.

The weekly show is now in it's 28th year and has influenced the broadcasts of David Letterman and others. Billboard Magazine hailed Jon's show as "The Alternative to MTV".

The Jon Hammond Show can be seen worldwide at various times streaming from www.mnn.org and on channels 56 and 108 in Manhattan. Jon is the host of daily CBS radio program "Jon Hammond's Afternoon Slide" on KYCY 1550 AM.
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