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Northern Ireland Open International Accordion Championships

Clyde JohnstonThe Northern Ireland International Accordion Championships will be held on February 23rd at the Loughshore Hotel Carrickfergus, East Antrim, organised by Clyde Johnston (picture right). This year’s event has attracted competitors from England, Scotland, Germany and the Irish Republic as well as a strong local entry.

The event caters for all types of accordion music, with classes for solo, duet, group, orchestral and marching bands for all ages and grades ranging in styles from classical and continental to traditional. The Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra (pictured) will compete in the Intermediate and Preparatory Orchestra Sections this year.

There will also be a number of Trade Exhibitors which shall add greatly to the interest and atmosphere.

Prior to the competitions, a free and easy concert will be held in the Glendun Suite on the Friday night (February 22nd) featuring accordionists Nigel Black, Jean Hanger, Jovan Rynjak, Gary Arnold, Alan Shute, Sean O'Neill & Anne-Marie Devine, Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton, Helen Rich, Malachy Cairns and Barry Smith.

These exciting Accordion Championships promise to deliver an extravaganza of accordion music catering for all tastes and have been recognised by the National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) as a qualifying heat for the UK Championships.

The grand finale concert will feature a Massed Accordion Band with over 60 accordions on stage. A prize presentation will take place later in the evening with performances by accordionist Noelle McCarthy and prize winners from previous years. This will be followed by a Gala Dance in the Hotel with The Keith Dickson Scottish Ceilidh Group.

Daytime admission is free. For further details email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk
Royal Meath Accordion Orchestra
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