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New Douglas Ward Compositions Now Online - UK

Charnwood Publishing
Douglas WardTwo new works have been released by well known UK composer and performer Douglas Ward, published by Charnwood Publishing.

DW950 Backstage Waltz
This waltz is written in Eb major and starts with a four-bar introduction. This is followed by the next eight bars which take the treble melody through a tuneful dance, with phrasing, slight tempo changes, and dynamic variations. An eight-bar short middle section introduced both major and minor bass chords. This is followed by a reinstatement of the melody, which leads into a slightly unorthodox ending in that the waltz momentarily turns into a foxtrot in 4/4, before the final bar in 3/4.

DW951 Conundrum
This composition, in A minor, starts with a bold concert-like announcement as its introduction, but after four bars changes to an emotional motif for several bars. Suddenly a speedy, turbulent allegro con brio section takes over, with an abundance of off-beat accenting in both treble and basses, and dynamic markings. This is followed by a section that suddenly stumbles into an almost dream-like state of emotions and feelings, played rubato, followed by a treble cadenza, and a lead-up to a major key. It then recapitulates to the allegro con brio theme before aiming at the build-up towards the ending. This involves a four-bar bellows shake, followed by a 24-note rising chromatic run, with a surprise ending that is typical of an Argentinian tango. The composition requires accurate coordination of treble, basses and bellows, plus phrasing, dexterity and personal musical interpretation

Douglas Ward is now listing over 80 compositions and arrangements of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing Douglas Ward. Sample music pages online. Purchase with credit card online.
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