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Thom Hardaker, Young Musician Concert, Keighley - UK

thom_hardakerOn July 5th 20008 Thom Hardaker took part in a ‘Young Musicians in Concert’ event staged by the Keighley Vocal Union. Thom started his performance with ‘Prelude and Fugue’, by Bach, followed by ‘Chau Paris’, by Astor Piazolla. He then concluded his first session with ‘Wedding in the Farm’, by Basula, to rapturous applause from the audience, many of whom had never heard Thom play, and did not know what to expect!

In the second half they heard ‘March’ and ‘Dance of the Shepherds’, by Tchaikovsky, then ‘Amid the dale so wide and even’, by Panitsky. His final rendition was a Russian folk piece called ‘Oh You Wintery Winter’.

The whole evening was very enjoyable, all the young musicians excelled, and the audience were treated to a performance of accordion music played at it’s very best!

Thom was a former student of Harry Hinchcliffe, and is currently a student of the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg Conservatory in Russia.

Thom, who is studying classical accordion under Professor Oleg Sharov, has successfully completed the conservatory’s one year preparatory programme and is about to start the four year course which teaches up to doctorate level giving a D.M.A. qualification (Doctor of Musical Arts).
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