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The Yetties Retirement Weekend, Dorset - UK

The Yetties
The Yetties, comprising Pete Shutler (accordion), Bonny Sartin (vocals) and Mac McCullough (guitar, banjo) are retiring this weekend from performing after over 40 years in folk music.

From April 7th to 9th, The Yetties ‘Final Fling’ retirement weekend in Sherborne, Dorset, includes a ceilidh on the Friday night and a concert on Saturday evening, both of which have long been sold out, though there are still a few left for the Sunday afternoon farewell, chat, cup of tea, bun and auction of Yetties memorabilia etc.

Since turning professional in 1967 The Yetties have taken their music far beyond the villages of Dorset, traveling around Europe and to Thailand, Nepal, Sri-Lanka, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Pakistan, Sudan, India, Bangladesh, The Maldives, The Philippines, Ethiopia and Canada.

They have recorded 45 albums, presenting a mixture of songs, music and humour. For years they had a regular series on BBC Radio 2 called 'Cider & Song', and are probably the only performers to have worked on BBC Radios 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

For further information email: info@theyetties.co.uk
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