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Concert "Three accordions. World hits" – Russia

OsokinA concert entitled "Three accordions. World hits" will be held in the New Hall of the House of Music in Moscow, Russia on November 5th, 2022.

Performers include Sergey Osokin (picture right), Nikolai Miroshnik and Alexei Sokolov. Their program includes classical, jazz and pop music by Saint-Saens, Galliano, Piazzolla, Ellington, Lay, Piaf, Brubeck, Weil, Feltsman and many others.

Sergei Osokin, Nikolai Miroshnik and Alexei Sokolov will combine popular classical music, jazz, pop music and of course French Musette, loved by accordionists all over the world. The accordion has the ability to convey the entire palette of human emotions, both deep sadness and unbridled joy.

Despite spreading all over the world, its sound is very often associated with Paris, Montmartre, the Champs Elysees. "Life in Pink" (the hallmark of Edith Piaf), popular melodies "A Man and A Woman" by F. Lai and "Under Paris Skies" by H. Giraud, "Tango for Claude" by R. Galliano will become the basis of the "French block" of the program.

The Latin American part will be made up of famous tangos by A. Piazzolla and "Cumparsita" by H. Rodriguez, and original accordion versions of legendary jazz compositions, such as "Caravan" by H. Tizola and C Jam Blues by D. Ellington, will not leave anyone indifferent in the hall.

As if competing in speed, the musicians will perform sparkling Bulgarian dances and the Greek "Sirtaki" by M. Theodorakis. Popular classics will be represented by such compositions as "Cuckoo" by J. Daken and "Swan" by C. Saint-Saens, and hits of the Soviet stage includes the songs "Unsuccessful Date" by A. Tsfasman and "A Song Goes Around in a Circle" by O. Feltsman.

Sergey Osokin is a Russian accordionist who has received recognition in many countries of the world, a laureate of more than twenty international competitions. He combines academic art, jazz and musette in his work. He has completed tours in Russia, Europe, Asia, North America.

Nikolai Miroshnik is a laureate of many competitions and festivals, a keyboardist and arranger, as well as one of the most sought-after accordionists in the pop-jazz genre, who knows the art of improvisation.

Alexey Sokolov is a multiple winner of international competitions. He studied at the famous Berklee College of Music, performed in Russia, Europe, Israel, Canada and the USA and was a participant of jazz festivals in Poland, Scotland, France and Russia.
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