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“Don-Art” 110th Anniversary Festival in Rostov-on-Don - Russia

Yuri ShishkinViatcheslav SemionovOn April 11th, 2010 at the Rostov Art College was the festival of folk music in "Don-Art" celebrating the 110-year anniversary of this famous musical institution. Some world-famous graduates include Viatcheslav Semionov, Yuri Shishkin, Vladimir Ushenin, Vladimir Kolontaev and many others.

The festival was attended by over 300 people from different cities of the Rostov Region and Krasnodar Territory and included performers on the accordion, domra, balalaika, guitar, and ensembles of various types. Such musical festivals can identify talented young musicians and give them a strong impetus for further professional development.

During the festival, a jury of eight tutors from the Rostov Art College auditioned performers of four categories and selected the best performers to participate in the gala concert. The jury was impressed with the high-level of musical skills displayed by these young musicians:

1. Matthew Levashov (accordion) Rassvet village, teacher, L.I. Eraksina
2. Philip Gagalayan (accordion), Rostov-on-Don, a teacher E.V. Levin
3. Maxim Alekhin (accordion) Bagaevskaya village, teacher S.N. Torochkov
4. Kirill Anisimov (accordion) Kagalnitskaya village, teacher O.I. Lebedev
5. Yuri Orlov (accordion) Tsymlyans'kyi district, teacher E.N. Sidon
6. Anastasia Grave (accordion) Matveev-Kurgan, teacher A.I. Savchenko AI
7. Alina Matyushenko (accordion), Rostov-on-Don, Professor V. Danilova
8. Artists on domra, balalaika, guitar

The festival was also an educational conference where there were presentations from the school of accordion G.I. Krylova and a new musical score and methodical literature professor of the Rostov State Conservatory of S. Rakhmaninov, Professor Ushenin, and discussions on current issues in education in folk music with the leading teachers of the area.

Particularly impressive was a demonstration film by the conference participants, titled "Folk Instruments of 21st Century", where there were some interesting presentations including performers around the world on various instruments.

The Gala Concert concluded the festival and included the winner of the Competition Southern Russia, the Rostov Art College Russian Folk Orchestra under the direction Honored Russian musical society G.P. Shishkina. Participants of the festival were awarded diplomas and letters of thanks to the teachers. The whole event took place in an atmosphere of celebration and joy of communication.

The Rostov Art College, convinced many that today's contestants and students will be the future professionals at the forefront of Folk music in the 21st century.
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