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Panel of Musical Experts at NAA Convention, Texas - USA

Sharon SeatonpanelIt is with great enthusiasm that musicians from all genres are welcoming the 2020 - 2029 musical decade with great expectations and with perfect "20-20" vision. Gone are the years of negative thinking and regret that "music is not like it used to be."

During the 2020 National Accordion Convention in Dallas, Texas (March 18th to 20th, 2020), Sharon Seaton, Ed.D, (picture left) will serve as the moderator for a special discussion panel. Dr. Sharon Seaton was selected because she serves the accordion community as a National Accordion Association (NAA) board member, professor of music, and a professional musician.

Sharon will moderate the panel of experts who will express their opinions related to the future of the music including the accordion. To initiate the process, Sharon has authored a simple survey that is open for any interested individual to complete during the month of February 2020. Prior to the 2020 National Accordion Convention, the panel of experts will be assembled and the raw data will be forwarded to the selected panel members.

Individuals selected for the panel will work together (electronically) to consolidate the data into short presentations, with Sharon asking predetermined questions. At the end of each topic, conventioneers will respond. The conclusions drawn from this open discussion will be delivered in the post-convention summary for evaluation. At that time, a finalized report will be distributed for publication via the National Accordion Association website, AccordionUSA and Accordions Worldwide Weekly News.

The online survey questions are:

1. Briefly describe your opinions related to musical changes coming during the next decade as related to training, marketing, and performance opportunities.

2. What must the musical world (teachers, organizations, etc.) do to remain current as new ideas continue to evolve?

3. What changes should the National Accordion Association be making to remain one of the leading accordion-related organizations?

4. How can the accordion world benefit from studying other musical genres and instruments?

5. Are you interested in serving on this panel? If yes, what qualifies you to serve in this position during the convention?
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