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A Lovely Story: Accidental Friendship That Lasts, Via Reddit - USA

masemjThis lovely story was published yesterday in the New Zealand Herald Sideswipe column by Ana Samways, Via Reddit. It involves accordion, so we have also published it. Enjoy.

When I was 23, a random old guy in his 70s sat next to me on the train one day. I was listening to music at the time but didnt want to come across as rude so I switched off my iPod, struck up some crap conversation about the weather and we started to chat.

He asked about my music taste and if I played any instruments. I play violin, guitar and piano and my granddad plays accordion and his eyes lit up when I mentioned this. Turns out that he composed both classical music and Scottish country dance music, however he was not great at playing the required instruments and had never heard his composition being played, he had only imagined what it would sound like.

We exchanged phone numbers and addresses before we parted ways and he sent me some sheet music of a song that he had composed with violin and accordion parts. My granddad and I got together and practised the music and surprised the man with a visit, instruments in tow.

Guy was bawling like a baby when he heard his music being played and said, apart from his wedding day, it was the best day of his life! He said that when I started chatting to him that day that I restored his faith in the younger generation and he will be forever grateful for my friendship.

That was almost 10 years ago and him and my granddad now get on like a house on fire! I still see him regularly and we exchange cards at Christmas. (Via Reddit)
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