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NZAA 40th Birthday Dinner, President John Statham to Retire – New Zealand

NZAA South Pacific Championships banner
NZAA logo, President John StathamThe New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) has many plans to celebrate the 40th Anniversary year of the founding of their association.  On Sunday 18th April, a dinner was held to celebrate the date that the NZAA was established exactly 40 years ago.
2011 NZAA Birthday Dinner Photographs and Text 

This 40th birthday dinner was held at the Brigham Restaurant in Hobsonville, Auckland attended by most of the current NZAA committee and some past committee members. 

The NZAA, 40 years ago, grew out of the Auckland branch of the NZFOA and the minutes of the last meetings of that Auckland Branch deciding to form the new association were read. 

These minutes set out the reasons why the NZAA was being established and a 40th birthday celebration cake was cut by the 3 people present, who were also at the NZAA formation meeting. Marie Jones, John Statham and Dorothy Taylor (picture below).

This year, NZAA President John Statham is retiring after 27 years as President. John Statham was a committee member for the 1980 Coupe Mondiale held in Auckland, was the announcer for that superbly run event, was instrumental in leading the NZAA through the start of the South Pacific Accordion Championships competitions and making the NZAA competitions an international event, inviting the Coupe Mondiale Piano Accordion winners to NZ for the last 9 years, development program for players culminating in highly placed New Zealand 2009 Coupe Mondiale competitors, led the huge success of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale in Takapuna, New Zealand and now, the NZAA 40th Anniversary Celebrations.

A formal dinner to honor retiring President John Statham will be held at the end of the South Pacific Accordion Championships on the 5th June 2011.

2011 NZAA Birthday Dinner Photographs and Text
Marie Jones (NZAA Secretary for many years), President John Statham, former committee member Dorothy Taylor
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