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Accordion Masterclass with Semion Schmelkov – Austria

Semion Shmelkov & Prof. Grzegorz StopaPicture above: Prof. Grzegorz Stopa with masterclass students
Picture left: Semion Shmelkov & Prof. Grzegorz Stopa

In cooperation with the Gnesin Music Academy Moscow (Russia), the Music and Art Private University of Vienna organized a master class which included a lecture and final concert by Russian lecturer Semion Shmelkov from November 26th to 28th.

Semion Shmelkov (Kemerovo) graduated from the Glinka State Conservatory in Novosibirsk with Prof. Alexander Krupin and then studied bayan at the Russian Gnesin Music Academy in Moscow in the class of Prof. Friedrich Lips. He currently teaches at the Gnesin Music Academy.

His lecture on the "Russian Bayan School of Friedrich Lips", not only covered the life and work of his revered teacher, but also showed video recordings of former students of the great bayanist, in order to promote and prove his musical diversity in education.

Lips has made an outstanding contribution through his 80 world premieres of new works as well as his pedagogical and musicological works, including countless recordings.

During the masterclass, Semion dealt with questions about transcriptions and interpretations of classical and contemporary works. The focus was always on the optimal sound, how the respective work can best be made to sound on the accordion. The development of the instrument as well as various playing methods by means of bellows and finger articulation result in enormous possibilities, which must be used in the design of a work in a targeted manner.

In the works of Bach, Denissow, Lundquist, Ishi, de Falla, Strauss and Majkusiak, among others, there was a lot of material for discussions in search of the optimal sound.

The students had been well prepared for the final concert by their teacher Prof. Grzegorz Stopa, but were also able to incorporate these new ideas into their performances.

Semion performed samples of his repertoire such as "No comment" (Merab Gagnidze), "Four Pieces for Accordion" (by his composer-wife Olga Tchistokina), "Aria" (Heitor Villa-Lobos) and "Military March" (Franz Schubert).

Overall, the event was very positive and one can already look forward to future cooperation between the Vienna MUK and the Moscow Gnesin Academy.

Pictures below: Semion Shmelkov, Sophie Herzog, Krzysztof Bratasz.
Semion Shmelkov, Sophie Herzog, Krzysztof Bratasz
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