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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-Apr-2018
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Особенности Highlights

Международная выставка Musikmesse 2018 Франкфурт - Германия
Мемориальный концерт Александра Севастьяна Онтарио - Канада
55-й Международный Конкурс в Клингентале 2018, май - Германия
Вспоминая Гэри Даля (1937 - 2017), Сиэтл – США
Карен-стрит и Карен Твид «Время петь», Чешир - Великобритания
Даты тура Foster & Allen Апрель и Май - Новая Зеландия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Would You Like to Participate in World Accordion Day on May 6th?
Obituary: John Patrick Bonica, Oregon - USA
Jim McAlister (1932-2018), Northern Ireland – UK

Будущие события

Internationales Akkordeon Festival 2018 – Germany
‘Accordion Night’ with Nikolai Ryskov, London – UK
Johnny Duncan Duo @ Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club, England – UK
Gennaro Ruffolo @ Muskimesse Frankfurt – Germany
Mazaika Concerts, London – UK
Paris-Moscow Duo Concerts & Master Class, Calvados - France
Barra Da Saia Concert, São Paulo - Brazil
In April at CNIMA J. Mornet, Saint-Sauves-d'Auvergne - France
Ken and Mary @ ‘Oktoberfest - Year – round!’ event, Ohio – USA
Rosemary Wright @ Seacroft Accordion Festival, Norfolk – UK
Annual Rayne Frog Festival, Rayne City, Louisiana - USA

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Особенности Highlights

Международная выставка Musikmesse 2018 Франкфурт - Германия

Musikmesse 2018 poster
Фоторепортаж онлайн: Frankfurt2018

Musikmesse во Франкфурте - международная торговая выставка музыкальных инструментов, нотных сборников, музыки и маркетинга.

- 11 апреля (среда) по 14 апреля (субботу) 2018 года, с 10:00 до 18:00 часов.
- Открыт ежедневно для продажи и частных посетителей
- В семи выставочных залах представлено более 30 000 инструментов
- Открытая площадка с атмосферой фестиваля: концертные площадки, фудтраки и многое другое
- Prolight + звук: 11 апреля(вторник) - 14 апреля (пятница), новый в восточной части Messe Frankfurt

Франкфуртский Musikmesse - ведущая мировая торговая ярмарка мира музыки. Там вы найдете полный спектр продуктов со всем необходимым для создания музыки, не говоря уже о семинарах, концертах, демонстрациях и дискуссионных мероприятиях.

Экспозиция фабрик аккордеонов включает:

Beltuna Accordions S.r. Зал 8.0 E10
Bugari Armando и Bugari Evо Холл 8,0 F20
Cagnoni Srl Hall 8.0 F11
Dino Baffetti di Baffetti G. & C. snc Hall 8.0 G19
Harmonikas s.r.o. Зал 8.0 E15
Менгаскини Нелло с посещением mengascini@tiscalinet.it
MusicTech di Sabbatini Claudio & C. snc Hall 8.0 E20
Orla Srl Hall 11 C80
Pasco Italia Srl Hall 8.0 G15
Pigini Srl Hall 8 G14
Scandalli Accordions Srl Hall 8.00 E21
Zero Sette Hall 8.0 F20

Полный отчет о Франкфуртском Musikmesse 2018 года с фотографиями будет доступен после открытия: Frankfurt2018
Frankfurt Musikmesse Entrance


Мемориальный концерт Александра Севастьяна Онтарио - Канада

Alexander SevastianМемориальный концерт Александра Севастьяна состоится в среду, 11 апреля, 20:00 вечера, в Центре исполнительских искусств Ричмонда Хилла, 10268 Yonge St, Онтарио.
Среди исполнителей: Питер Де Сотто и Лиза Маклеллан Квартето Гелато, Джулиан Милкис, Софи Милман, Александр Луминский, Геннадий Гребенчук, Виктор Хоменко и Алексей Северинец, Инга Филиппова-Вильямс и Евгения Ясманович, Детский хор «Ладушки».

Александр Севастьян (1978-2018), замечательный музыкант и необыкновенный человек, неожиданно ушел из жизни 16 февраля во время своего тура в Мексике с Quartetto Gelato. Мир потерял замечательного музыканта. У него остались жена и двое маленьких детей. Концерт организован для того, чтобы почтить память и собрать материальную помощь для его семьи.



55-й Международный Конкурс в Клингентале 2018, май - Германия

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal
Mayor Thomas Hennig and Joerg KuenzelProgram cover, 55th International Accordion Competition Klingenthal55-й Международный Конкурс в Клингентале пройдет с 29 апреля по 5 мая 2018 года.

Загрузите правила и правила конкурса: 2018Kling.pdf

Около 102 музыкантов в возрасте от 10 лет и старше представят программы в шести категориях для международного жюри, для слушателей вход свободный.
В мероприятии также представлены серии концертов.

Трио Herzog, Иньяки Альберди (Испания), победитель PIF категории D Аркадий Шкворов (Россия) и «Конкурс в концертном формате» виртуозной легкой музыки, финал VI категории.

Загрузить 40-страничную цветовую программу можно по адресу: 2018KProgram.pdf

Конкурсанты, педагоги и сторонники горячо приветствуются мэром Клингенталя Томасом Хеннигом и директором по конкуренции Йоргом Куенцелем.


Вспоминая Гэри Даля (1937 - 2017), Сиэтл – США

Gary DahlЗа последние 10 лет, с продажей музыки через Интернет и выпуском электронных книг, Гэри Даль стал одним из самых популярных аккордеонистов в мире. К сожалению, он скончался в декабре. Ниже приведены несколько выдержек из Некролога Гари Даля, бывшего ученика, затем друга и учителя Тоби Хансена.

«1 декабря 2017 года мир аккордеона потерял одного из своих замечательных музыкантов, Гэри Даля. За свою жизнь он создал большое наследие музыкального мастерства.

Гэри Даль также оставил всех нас с монументальным наследием музыкальных аранжировок, учебных материалов, записей и хорошо обученных аккордеонистов ... »

Прочитать биографию и узнать о жизни популярного аранжировщика можно по адресу: Gary Dahl


Карен-стрит и Карен Твид «Время петь», Чешир - Великобритания

Time to Sing
Karen Tweed and Karen StreetPoster13 мая (воскресенье), с 11:00 до 17:00, в Зале Marthall Village, в Сандлиджлидж-Лейн, Натсфорде, Чешире WA16 7SB, состоится однодневное мероприятие под названием «Время петь» с участием вдохновляющих и высокопрофессиональных аккордеонистов Карен-стрит и Карен Твид.

Это особое однодневное мероприятие, организованное Северным клубом аккордеонистов, открыто для всех заинтересованных аккордеонистов, а также для тех, кто любит петь. Доходы от мероприятия пойдут в Общество Альцгеймера.

Утром, с 11:00 до 13:00, пройдет мастер-класс / репетиция, а после обеда - концерт с участием местных жителей и всех желающих, которые споют под аккомпанемент аккордеона. Во второй половине дня, с 14:00 до 17:00, также проводятся специальные сольные выступления аккордеонистов Стены Карен, Карен Твид, Перл Фосетт-Адриано, Джули Бест, Барри Грэхема, Хелен Рич, Майк Ричардс и Пол Хоббс.
Карен-Стрит была дважды чемпионом-виртуозом Великобритании, а сейчас является уважаемой джазовой аккордеонисткой.

Карен Твид была чемпионом Ирландии по Аккордеону и является известным исполнителем и преподавателем музыки различных стилей народов мира.

Музыка для семинара доступна по электронной почте. Билеты стоят £ 12 для исполнителей, £ 3 за аудиторию / хор; для получения дополнительной информации / музыки / билетов свяжитесь с Стивом Хьюзом.

Скачать брошюру и полную информацию: 2018Time.pdf


Даты тура Foster & Allen Апрель и Май - Новая Зеландия

Видео: Foster & Allen Music Video, 40-летний тур «Мы благодарны вам всем».

Популярный ирландский дуэт (аккордеон/вокал) Foster & Allen отправятся на гастроли в Новую Зеландию с 13 апреля по 6 мая (Всемирный день аккордеона), их даты концертов можно увидеть на плакате.

Foster & Allen в составе Мик Фостера аккордеониста и певца/гитариста Тони Аллена, начали выступать вместе с 1975 года, играя "легко слушающиеся" песни и мелодии, включая народную Ирландскую музыку. Они нашли большое количество поклонников по всему миру, их концерты имеют большой успех, и немногие артисты, в частности исполнители на аккордеоне, имеют такую популярность среди широкой публики.

В 1979 году они выпустили сингл "A Bunch of Thyme" в Ирландии, который стал их первым топовым синглом № 1 В ирландских чартах, также повторив подвиг в Великобритании. Последовало несколько других синглов и альбомов, и дуэт стал всемирно популярен. На сегодняшний день они достигли продаж альбомов и DVD более 22 миллионов по всему миру.
Foster & Allen NZ Tour


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Would You Like to Participate in World Accordion Day on May 6th?

World Accordion Day logoWhat are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website. A number of WAD events have already been registered and will be online by next Friday.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.


Obituary: John Patrick Bonica, Oregon - USA

John Bonica'Play Your Accordion Without Pain'March 17, 1942 – March 20, 2018

John Bonica , PT CMP NZRP (New Zealand and USA), suffered a heart attack and heart failure with no prior discernible symptoms. He had just retired from his practice after 55 years and he and his wife Ellen had nearly finished winding the business down when John unexpectedly and most sadly passed away.

Born in New Zealand in 1942 of Italian parents, John Bonica grew up in a family of accordion players, and taught himself to play the instrument by ear. He learned to play Chopin’s ‘Minute Waltz’ by listening to a recording by Charles Magnante, but then also learned to read music so he could enter competitions. He won the New Zealand Championship several years in the duet, trio and quartet sections. He won second place at the New Zealand Open Championship in 1978 in the solo division.

In 1963 he graduated with a degree in manual physical therapy, a branch of physical medicine specializing in spinal and extremity trauma, and then practised for 17 years in New Zealand. His practical and theoretical knowledge led to the publication of his book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', available catalog: bonica00

John Bonica , L.P.T., N.Z.R.P., emigrated to the USA in 1980 to teach spinal specialists and continue his practice of spinal therapy. He founded the Pacific Spinal and Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Clinic, a subsidiary of Rockwood Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Clinic, P.C., located in Portland, Oregon, USA.

He has recorded four CDs of Italian and European folk music utilizing a MIDI orchestra ensemble. Other activities include writing and publishing (he was editor and publisher for the US published ‘Accordion World’ magazine from 1989 until 1994), sailing and photography.


Jim McAlister (1932-2018), Northern Ireland – UK

Jim McAlister, from Ballymoney, County Antrim, passed away peacefully on April 3rd at his home, just before his 86th birthday. He was for several decades one of the leading figures in the accordion movement in Northern Ireland, and was a fine player, club organiser, instrument retailer and an accordion technician. He paid several visits to Castelfidardo, Italy, where he trained in electronics, accordion software and manufacturing processes. Jim was a leading UK retailer for the sales of electronic accordions with many top players coming to him for their new accordions and repairs, including Dermot O'Brien, Tom Alexander, Fintan Stanley, Mick Foster and Wilcil McDowell, to name but a few.

Jim was also a very good player in his own right and back in the 1960s when the legendary Will Starr did summer seasons at the holiday resort of Portrush in County Antrim it was Jim he called on to play second accordion. Jim was also involved in forming a number of Box and Fiddle clubs in County Antrim, including the present day Premier A & F Club, and it was his name and reputation that helped bring some of the big names over from Scotland. Such was the esteem that he was held in that Calum Maclean dedicated a tune 'Jim McAlister's Jig' to him in Volume One of Calum's Collection of Original Compositions.

The accordion teacher Clyde Johnston recalls: “The first time I ever met Jim was at his home. He had a new Elka accordion for sale and I said the band I was teaching would buy it. I asked if a small deposit would hold it until they got the money raised and he simply replied ‘That's all right son, I trust you, just you take it with you’. On another occasion he was getting us a new bass accordion from Italy and a price had been agreed. A few months later he phoned to say it had arrived and I went to re-confirm the price with him before collecting it. ‘No’, he said, ‘That's not the price. When I went to pay the Italians the pound was strong against the lire so you can knock £100 off the price we agreed’. He was truly a giant in the accordion field and a gentleman. Jim will be greatly missed”.

The entire Accordion Community throughout all of Ireland, the UK, and further afield will be deeply saddened to learn of the passing Jim McAlister, who is survived by his wife Sara and daughters Barbara, Hazel, and the late Maureen and Robert.


Будущие события

Internationales Akkordeon Festival 2018 – Germany

Internationales Akkordeon Festival header
The multi-cultural Internationales Akkordeon Festival 2018 takes place during April and May at venues throughout Germany, featuring concerts by guest accordionists representing various international musical traditions. The guest artists include Dimos Vougioukas (Greece), Joao Pedro Texeira (Brazil), Youssra El Hawary (Egypt), Omar Massa (Argentina), Servais Haanen (Netherlands), Veronica Perego (Italy), and Rafael Fraga (Portugal). The festival organizer is Servais Haanen.


‘Accordion Night’ with Nikolai Ryskov, London – UK

Nikolai RyskovLondon-based Russian accordionist Nikolai Ryskov performs for an ‘Accordion Night’ on Saturday April 7th, 7pm until 10pm, at the Jakobs Restaurant, 20 Gloucester Road, London, SW7 4RB.

His programme includes music by Astor Piazzolla - Libertango, Oblivion, Chiquilin De Bachin, Sensuel, French music such as Under Paris Skies, Domino, La Vie En Rose, La Foule, Under The Bridges of Paris, Petite Fleur, No Regrets, If You Love Me, plus international pieces including Luci E Ombre, Volare, Charade, That's Amore, Por Una Cabeza, Sway, Game of Thrones, Besame Mucho, Amor, Historia De Un Amor, Greensleeves, Adios Muchachos, Serenata De Acordeones, Moon River, Hallelujah, My Heart Will Go On from Titanic, and many more.

For further information email: tania@jakobs.co.uk


Johnny Duncan Duo @ Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club, England – UK

Johnny DuncanOn Wednesday April 11th, 7.30pm to 10.30pm, accordionist Johnny Duncan and the drummer Malcolm Ross are the guests at the Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is The Northumberland Hall, Alnwick, Northumberland, North East England NE66 1TN. Admission is £7, Musicians £3 - (Members free); admission includes Buffet Supper each month.

The versatile entertainer Johnny Duncan, from Dundee, was the All Scotland Accordion Champion in 1973.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Gennaro Ruffolo @ Muskimesse Frankfurt – Germany

Poster: Gennaro Ruffolo @ Muskimesse FrankfurtItalian accordionist Gennaro Ruffolo will be demonstrating MusicTech digital accordions each day from April 11th to 14th at the Muskimesse Frankfurt in Germany.

Musikmesse is the world's leading trade fair for musical instruments and live music as well as music production and music marketing and one of the most important meeting places of the music industry. At Musikmesse there will be instrument manufacturers, dealers, professional, semi-professional and amateur musicians there to check out the latest product news.

There will be numerous workshops, concerts, demonstrations and discussions held. The Musikmesse will take place on 4 days from Wednesday April 11th to Saturday April 14th at Messe Frankfurt, Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, Frankfurt.


Mazaika Concerts, London – UK

MazaikaThe duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (midi accordion, vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin, domra, vocals) – perform Russian folk and Gypsy music, tango and gypsy swing, romantic songs from Italy, France and Latin America, and international party pop hits. Their next two concerts are as follows:

April 12th, 7.30pm to 10.30pm - The Exhibitionist Hotel, 8-10 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EA; tickets £15 on the door (cash only).
May 9th, 7pm - Victory Day concert; Mazaika will be performing Russian songs of the war years like Smuglyanka, Dorogi, Solovji, Tyomnaya noch, V zemlyanke, and many more. Pushkin House, 5A Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2TA

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Paris-Moscow Duo Concerts & Master Class, Calvados - France

Paris-Moscow DuoThe Paris-Moscow Duo – Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov perform in concert, as follows:

Saturday April 14th, 8pm – Espace Saint Benoit, Saint-Pierre-En-Auge
Sunday April 15th, 6pm – Cinema Le Parc, Livarot-Pays D’Auge

The concerts are preceded by accordion master classes, 1pm until 5pm. Saint-Pierre-en-Auge and Livarot-Pays D’Auge are communes in the department of Calvados, north-western France.

Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine began performing together in 1998, and have performed in France, Russia, Denmark, Italy, Poland, China, Portugal, Lithuania, Canada, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. Domi Emorine’s achievements include winning the CIA Coupe Mondiale, CMA Trophée Mondial, Concours International de Klingenthal, and the Prix de la Sacem. Roman Jbanov’s achievements include Grand Prize Beloborodov in Tula (Russia), Scholarship of the President of the Russian Republic, and the CMA Trophée Mondial.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Barra Da Saia Concert, São Paulo - Brazil

Poster: Barra Da Saia Concert
The all-female quartet Barra Da Saia, featuring accordionist Adriana Sanchez, perform in concert at the Bar Brahma, Av. São João 677 Centro, São Paulo, Brazil, on April 17th, 9pm.

Barra Da Saia, formed in 1999, have a modern approach to country music, including rock, Latin, polkas, guaraníes and chamamés in their style. The quartet members are Dede Soares - guitar, viola, guitar, vocals, Eliza Marin - vocals and guitar, Adriana Sanchez - accordion, keyboard and vocals, and Carol Duarte - violin and mandolin.

For further information email: barradasaia@barradasaia.com.br


In April at CNIMA J. Mornet, Saint-Sauves-d'Auvergne - France

Pascal MeurgéHappening in April at CNIMA J.Mornet

The Accordion courses, all styles, all ages, all levels.
Come and perfect one or two pieces of your choice thanks to Jacques Mornet's world-renowned pedagogy.
- From 16 to 21 and from 23 to 28 April 2018.

The body, as your musical instrument by Pascal Meurgé (picture left)
From April 23 to 27, 2018
With 15 years of pedagogical experience and 3 years of training at the Alan Fraser Institute, Pascal Meurgé invites you to come and experiment with a new pedagogical approach to the repertoire of your choice. Every day you will explore a little more how to become aware and improve the quality of each movement to make your body-instrument ever more available to the Music.

You will discover many keys that will allow you to integrate a new dimension to your interpretations. While avoiding fatigue (or even injury) and eliminating unnecessary tension, you will be able to reveal a little more true musicality in you ... open to all instruments.

Internships full board, accompanying persons welcome.
Info and registration online here: CNIMA J.Mornet or 04 73 22 27 45


Ken and Mary @ ‘Oktoberfest - Year – round!’ event, Ohio – USA

Poster, Ken and Mary‘Turbo Accordions Express’ duo Ken and Mary perform on Friday April 20th, 7pm until 9pm, at `Wurst und Bier`, 110 Hutchinson Ave, Columbus, Ohio, for an ‘Oktoberfest - Year – round!’ event.

Ken has over 40 years of music experience, playing the diatonic button accordion and also the tenor banjo, guitar, mandolin, and mandola. He was once bestowed the title ‘Baron of the Banjo’ by Frankie Yankovic. Ken had his own ragtime/jazz band for many years, playing in and around Ohio as well as performing in the German Pavillon at Disney’s Epcot Center and at the Altstadt Fest in Goslar/Harz, Germany. Mary’s music career has spanned over 30 years, playing the organ and the piano accordion at festivals, banquets, and for parties.

For further information email: kenandmarymusik@yahoo.com


Rosemary Wright @ Seacroft Accordion Festival, Norfolk – UK

Seacroft Accordion FestivalAccordion soloist Rosemary Wright has been added to the roster of performers and workshop leaders at this month’s Seacroft Spring Accordion Festival, Hemsby Beach Resort, Norfolk NR29 4HR, April 23rd to 27th. The festival guests also include the Scandinavian duo Oivind Farmen (Norway) & Lars Karlsson (Sweden), the duo Amayliss (Tracey Middleton & David Garwood), Jovan Rnjak, and Bert & Helen Santilly.

Rosemary Wright is a former All Britain Champion, and also a former Principal of the British College of Accordionists. Her many accomplishments include adjudicating at NAO competitions, examining for the BCA, composing, teaching various instruments, performing at many accordion festivals and clubs, and recording two solo CDs ‘Accordion Divertimento’ and ‘Accordion Safari’.

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Annual Rayne Frog Festival, Rayne City, Louisiana - USA

Rayne Frog Festival
Rayne Frog Festival logoThe annual Rayne Frog Festival, sponsored by the City of Rayne, will be held May 10-12 with a full schedule of music, delicious foods and drinks, signature events such as frog racing and jumping, Arts & Crafts show, Dance contest, Accordion contest, and the Grand Parade.

Picture above: 2017 accordion winners.

Accordion performances include the 2017 contest winners with the 2018 accordion competition scheduled for 10:45 am Saturday on the Main Stage.

The winners will perform on the Saturday afternoon.

For further information phone: 337-334-2332


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