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‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordeaphone: the concertina meets the accordion…

The Accordions Worldwide news for October 9th 1998 included an article about a free reed instrument, the Accordeaphone, that few accordion players anywhere will have encountered or even heard of. This instrument – a concertina with the sound of an accordion – was a vain attempt by a concertina manufacturer in the 1930s to fight back against the accordion’s overwhelming popularity in the pre-war years.


Chris Timson has just acquired a rare and unusual instrument, a Lachenal Accordeaphone. He believes there may be as many as eight of these concertinas in the world today, but he only knows the whereabouts of three. The instrument is in good condition, playable, with good woodwork and reeds.

Chris believes the instrument was manufactured to counteract the effect of major competition from accordion makers in 1935 to 1936. "The idea was to produce an English concertina with an accordion sound, so they put three reeds onto every note. Unfortunately being concertina makers they made it like a giant concertina instead of using far cheaper and more appropriate accordion technology. It must have cost a small fortune to build each one, and they never recouped the tooling-up costs".

Chris's instrument has the word Accordeaphone cut into the fretwork on both sides. The name "Sid Ive" is clearly painted on the front of the instrument, and the case has a professional card inside it for "Sid Ive, English Concertina, 110 Gladstone Avenue, Wood Green, N22". Chris would like to find out more information about the original owner, so if anyone knows anything of Sid Ive, please email: chris@harbour.demon.co.uk
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