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Updated Arrangement: Gary Dahl

Gary DahlGary Dahl has released an updated arrangement of Sharpshooters March composed by Gerardo Metallo in 1911. This popular March is claimed to be the most played accordion composition and has been performed by tens of thousands of accordionists.

Guido Deiro wrote:
One morning, in the Fall of 1907, I was playing in Metz, Germany. I heard a very catchy march melody that was being played on a hand organ. I was so impressed by the tune that I made the hand organist play it over several times. He didn't know the name of it; all he could tell me was that it was an Italian march. At that time, I was taking lessons from the famous accordionist, Giovanni Galiardi. He took it down the best he could.

Soon after, I came to America and played the composition in cities on the West Coast.

And so you can see I have never claimed the composition as being mine. I did, however, introduce it and make it popular with the American public. The old composition, Curro Cuchares is never played in its original form by accordionists. It is, in every case, written and published under the title of Sharpshooters March, as I arranged it, as I introduced and popularized it.

the true story behind the introduction of this composition to the accordion playing public.
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