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Charles Kennedy Accordion Story, Scotland – UK

Iain MacDonald, Charles KennedyScottish accordionist Iain MacDonald (picture top left) relates the following fond memory of the late former Liberal Democrats leader Charles Kennedy (picture lower left):

“I like many others was shocked to hear the news today of his passing. I thought I would share a personal story. On the morning of the devastating fire that burnt down McTavish’s Kitchen, Fort William, in 2006, I was standing on the High Street watching the fire brigade bring the blaze under control.

I had been playing at the Scottish show in McTavish’s the previous night alongside fiddle player Ian Kennedy, Charles's dad. My accordion was still inside the burning building although I had pointed out to the fire service there was a chance it may have been in a part of it not directly affected by the immediate inferno. They told me there was no chance and just to claim of my insurance.

Charles, who I had been talking to at the time, saw my upset reaction and said if there was a chance it could be there he would try his best to ask the fire chief if it was safe for the men to try and retrieve it as the sentimental value was far more than the monetary value. He added "Don't worry Iain, if it’s there and they won’t get it we'll bloody well go in ourselves".

He stood with me for hours haranguing every fire officer he could see until he managed to engage with the fire chief who finally relented. George Smith and I were eventually reunited with our slightly wet but un-damaged accordions.

For that reason I am indebted to him as I still play that accordion I bought 26 years ago!! R.I.P. Charles Kennedy, a real Highland Gentleman!!"

Charles Kennedy (1959-2015) was the Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 1999 to 2006 and was a Member of Parliament from 1983 to 2015, most recently for the Ross, Skye and Lochaber constituency. He died suddenly on June 1st 2015 at the age of 55.
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