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Video: 4 Years Anniversary, Frank Marocco & Daniele di Bonaventura - Italy

Video 1:
Video 2:
These videos have just been publicly released by Dan Grauman for the 4 year anniversary of the concert which was filmed by Dan Grauman in 2011.

Joan Grauman writes:
"I had to pinch myself often. Were we really here in this picture-perfect place with the spectacular views of the Italian countryside and the Adriatic Sea? Were we really walking up the hill on that gorgeous warm evening, past the incredible fragrances from the Linden blossoms and the jasmine up to that spectacular old church where Frank and Daniele were preparing to perform for us?

I looked behind me and saw so many of my close friends following us up the hill. This was the greatest trip of my life. I made myself live it in slow motion so that I would appreciate every single minute. This concert was just about as perfect as it gets.

Daniele and Frank had just recorded their premiere CD, “Two For the Road” and this was going to be their CD release concert. It would be held on the first day of our accordion orchestra camp, named for the camp my husband and I directed for Frank Marocco in Arizona.

This one was called, “Frank Marocco Accordion Event, European Edition”. As we were walking out of the Hotel Parco, my husband Dan grabbed his video camera. He would tape, if the musicians were OK with it. Thankfully, they were. These two musical giants played with such warmth and talent – a night none of us will ever forget.

Frank Marocco was just beginning to feel the effects of the metal poisoning that would take his life exactly nine months later. We were so fortunate to be with him that week in Castelfidardo. It was pure magic from start to finish. He loved being with all of us, and we loved being with him. We still miss him so much."
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