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John Torcello appears in new Opera 'Camelia La Tejana'

John TorcelloJohn Torcello, ATG USA Champion in 1972 who went on to win the coveted CIA Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships held in Caracas, Venezeula, was the accordionist in the chamber orchestra for the Long Beach Opera Company’s U.S. premiere of the opera, 'Camelia La Tejana - Only the Truth' by Mexican composer, Gabriela Ortiz. 
The music, described in the Los Angeles Times as "bursting with color and a wide variety of styles,"  combines the avant-garde, folk music, and jazz. Torcello’s expert handling of the complicated score contributed to the engaging and important work.   
The work is described as a provocative modern opera about the bloody conflict along the U.S. - Mexico border. Featuring a dynamic score by Gabriela Ortiz, Mexico's foremost female composer, and a libretto by Mexican-born Rubén Ortiz Torres, an artist, photographer and film producer, the production uses vibrant music and graphic footage to illustrate the struggle along the border caused by the horrifying Drug War. Camelia la Tejana explores the truths and myths that exist along this controversial dividing line.
John reports that "It was an honor to be asked to play as part of the orchestra for this work.  It is a new and important piece for several reasons. First of all, it is written by a Mexican composer, and is one of very few operas from Mexico or Latin America that have been performed in the USA by an opera company with the stature of the Long Beach opera under Andreas Mitisek. Secondly, it was written by a Mexican woman; a testament to the expanding roles for women in society's outside the USA".
By coincidence, John had met the composer’s brother Reuben Ortiz some years earlier when he had provided DVD production services for some contemporary sculpture works he had on display in San Diego. John was happy to re-connect with Reuben as he was responsible for creating and staging the video content in the backdrops that helped to support the story-telling of in the Opera performance of his sister's work.
For this Opera, Gariela's music scoring included extensive writing for the accordion; a welcome and challenging part that reaches into both traditional 'tejana' style and contemporary ensemble sonorities. The orchestration included 2 violins, viola, cello, bass, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, percussion, guitar, accordion, and piano, all which were featured prominently.
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